One afternoon we decided to take the kids on a drive up American Fork canyon to see all of the pretty leaves. We drove with the windows down to let the cool air and fresh smells in.
We drove really high up and had to get out to really take in the view.
We drove a little farther down the canyon to a path where we could go for a walk and explore.
Ryan, Jack and Ella all climbed up this huge rock. (Not that you can tell from this picture) Lilly cried and cried, she wanted to go too. Ryan came back down and got her.
Ryan and the older kids decided to walk up this steep side of the mountain, Lilly and I stayed behind and ate out lunch.
I LOVE these pictures of her eating. She's getting better and better and eating real food, without chocking.
It was getting a little too intense for Jack so he came back down to hang out with me.
Not sure what he's doing in this one....
He told me he was so strong her could move this huge log. Which he did.
Ella is fearless!! She was jumping from rock to rock, climbing a huge incline and attempting to rock climb.
As we walked down the path Lilly was almost always lagging behind. Picking up leaves and twigs.
The kids went down to check out the river.
Of course Ella was fearless once again.
Big brother to the rescue when you're too far behind.
It was such a nice day!