Right after Ella's Kindergarten program we hopped in the car and headed out of town! My sister Sarah and her family were there staying with my cousin Jeanie and her family! {Jack loved riding on Chubba's Thomas!}

Miles {Chubba} He's adorable!

The two Bella's! They loved playing together! Once while Ella and I were out she asked "Mom, when can we go back to that girl house!?" She loved being with all those GIRLS!

The whole gang! Thank you Jeanie and Gary for having us! We had to much fun! I hope that we can come and see you guys again soon! {I'll be sure to bring my camera!}

The COUSINS. Jack was too tired. We sure have missed these guys! We love you Ethan and Matthew!!!!!!

Ethan 5~ Matthew 3

I was very happy to see how well these two guys got along! I wish that they could be together more often!
We were so sad to say goodbye to these boys. We only got to see them for a couple hours before they had to go and be with their Father!
I am glad that you got to see the boys, I know how much you were looking forward to it!!!
Wow Ethan and Matthew have grown so much!
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