It's been pretty warm outside this week! Summer is a comin! Ella was so excited when we decided to try going down the slide into the pool. I think she must have gone down it a million times!

I think that the pictures of Jack are so funny! They look like he was really scared, but he wasn't. (Why do ALL boys like guns!?)

He's started- screaming ALL the time now!

I am so glad that we have such a nice little backyard. I didn't really want to rent this house, I liked another one in this same neighborhood better, but Ryan insisted that we get this one. He was right... yes, I'll say it again (since it doesn't happen that often) Ryan was right. This backyard has been so wonderful for the children. Jack loves to wander around looking at bugs, plants and rocks. He would stay outside all day long! The little girl's next door always climb up the wall to chat with Ella. It's adorable. I HAVE to get a picture of that sometime. She has several little hideaways and club houses. I often find her outside twirling in the middle of the lawn singing a song from Sleeping Beauty.

Ella wanted me to take video of her going down the slide.
This was taken right after we went swimming. I was upstairs helping Ella get dressed (Jack was already dressed), when I hear something NOT GOOD. Jack was once again trying to plunge an entire roll of toilet paper down the toilet. Uhhhhh..... So I grab my cleaning supplies and start cleaning everything up. THEN I walk out to find this- Jack standing at the counter- NAKED! And on my phone. What a stink!
This is again- later that same day. Dressed in his Jam-Jam's ready for bed. His 5th outfit for that day. But he looked so cute. He wants to do everything everyone else is doing. Including wanting to watch movies on Daddy's I-plod, as Ella calls it.
Ha Ha Ha!!!! I laughed out loud! Remember Aaron running out of the house after a bath NAKED. He jumped on his little two wheel bike and pedaled like a mad-man down the street! He wasn't quite 3 years old. (Yes, he could ride a two wheeled bike at 2!!)
I am sure that over the years we wasted dozens of rolls of TP from toddlers tossing them in the toilet. And not just my kids. Ethan and Matthew too!
That is so cute the jack was naked I cant stop laughing! I am so jealous you get to go swimming and its snowing here!
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