The other night the Bullard family called and wanted to take us out for ice cream! How nice are they huh!? Ella and Ava with their BLUE ice cream!

Jack- Jack really liked his banana ice cream! As you can see he's wearing the "monkey". It's a kid harness. It gives him freedom to walk around without me panicking that he's going to run into the road. (I decided it was time to get it out while at the grocery store with him. He can now climb out of the shopping cart, even being buckled and my arms got so tired of holding him. So he ended up running all over the store.

Little Dilly! He's SO cute!

After ice cream we came back over to our house to hang out and play games. The boys love playing around this plant! Dillon is a little botanist in the making.

Once again Jack was wanting to take some pictures. This time I did help and kind of pushed the button for him.

Dillon wanted in on the camera action. He took this one of Jack- who wasn't happy about sharing the camera.
Thanks Bullard family for the ice cream and for coming over! We love hanging out with you, even if it's last minute. Sometimes that's the most fun!
That was the best night! We had so much fun with you guys - we always do! You guys make us laugh so hard! Lets do it again SOON!
It is so funny to see little boys up against Jack. Jack is just so petite. but soo cute!!! the other day I almost bought a cute boy outfit...but I stopped because I thought I might be accepting that it will be a boy. You have the cutest stuff for Jack.
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