This week Ella and I went looking for some Easter clothes for her and Jack. (There was seriously NOTHING cute out there this year!) Ella came across this dress at Target and fell head over heels for it. I on the other hand was less then thrilled. I tried talking her out of it before finally saying we would have to call Daddy and see if it was OK. He caught my hit and tried bargaining with her- "I'll play video games with you tonight, we can make cookies". Nothing worked, she loved that dress to much! We gave in. Is that bad? She does look pretty cute. Although we think that she would look cute in anything.
Sheesh, what a little model. I asked her if we could take some pictures today after church and she said OK, as long as she could pose however she wanted. So.. that's what we did.

Jack got a new vest too. I wanted the kids to match, but since Ella picked a pink dress I was left without many options.
My handsome boy.

Ella also wanted a picture in this outfit. What a diva!
her hair is soooo short with it that curly!! They both look really cute!!
jack looks so grown up in these pictures, so cute!
so cute! I love jacks fauxhawk! Ella looks so pretty! I can't believe how much they are growing up!
so so cute! where did you get his vest? i have been looking everywhere for a cute one!
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