Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby Jet is here!

On Saturday March 28th- 2:50pm my little sister Elizabeth gave birth to her little boy-
Jet Andrew
7pounds 11 oz and 21 inches long
Elizabeth is loving being a MOM! I hear that he's a very good baby with lots of RED hair! I can't wait to meet him! I love you Bizzy! Welcome to Motherhood!

Happy Birthday Baby Matthew

Yesterday was Baby Matthew's 3rd Birthday!
Happy Birthday BIG boy!
We miss you and love you and hope to see you soon!

You know how everyone always says that Ella should be a model?

A while ago my cousin Jeanie called to see if her husband could use a picture of Ella (one they had seen on my BLOG) in one of their dental fliers! Of course I said yes! And here it is! Pretty neat huh!?
If you're in the Vegas area and in need of a pediatric dentist give Gary's office a call! He's wonderful! To see his website go HERE!


This week we've been trying to keep things pretty relaxed. We STILL aren't sure what we are going to do. Our lease is up here in 30 days!! (Can you believe that we've been in Arizona an entire year!) We have a couple options we are weighing right now, we'll see what happens. I'm thinking that whatever we do, it's going to be last minuet, get up and GO!
Yesterday I took the kids to the park. Ella wanted to wear her Hannah Montana wig. Another Mom at the park was watching her and finally asked me "is that a wig?" Later she even wore it to the grocery store! She's planning on wearing it again tomorrow for April fools! I like her so much better as a brunette!!!
I've started packing things up and Jack has loved that! He has also been talking so much more! I love all the things that he says!

Sad, yet these are the type of things that happen all the time at our house. I'm not about to win any mother of the year award.............The super funny part is, as soon as I stopped taking video he went and put that toy back into the vacuum... and couldn't get it out.

Where does Ryan work?

After the fun of the amusement park Ryan decided to take me to see his model home. (we were pretty close) I have never seen it before because it's so far away- over an hour! He had told me that it was a really crappy area and even joked about how he was worried about getting shot. I think after seeing it, he wasn't joking! As we were driving Ry said the next street was HIS street, where he was supposed to SELL homes. I did NOT believe him. Who would want to live here!? It smelled like burning rubber so bad! Weird dogs walking through the streets and homeless people EVERYWHERE! It was worse then Mexico! NO wonder Ryan HATES his job!!!!
(He wanted to take some videos too)

Scary huh!?

Enchanted Island

Ryan had worked SO long- that he got a three day weekend! We decided to try and find something fun for us to do! I found this little amusement park online.(13 bucks gets you all the rides as many times as you want) Too bad I got us lost for a half an hour!

Ella was so excited! She thought it was going to be like Disneyland, it wasn't. Basically it was a glorified carnival. (I think it's funny that Ella's trying to stand just like the parrot!)

Old Cars

Ella's favorite- the Dragon Wagon!

I have no idea how many times Ella went on this ride! Ryan and I think it was for sure over 15 times! There were about 6-7 times where she never even got off the ride!
Space Ship

Bumper Boats


I was so worried about Ella going on the train alone, but Ryan told me that I was freaking out way too much seeing as there was only about ten seconds that she was out of our direct sight. Ella was totally flirting with the 15 year old train driver! I would have loved to hear they conversation!
Jack's favorite seat in town.
Rock and Roll Spin cups
Ella wasn't sure about this ride until half way through the day. She got the courage to try it and then these three BIG boys ended up in the same cup together! They went SO fast, I could see her kind of freaking out. However when she got off said told us she loved it and that they went so fast she couldn't even lift her neck! I thought that she was going to throw up! But she didn't.
After that first crazy ride she wanted to go again and again and again! The ride operator saw poor jack and said that Jack could go on for free, just this once. Uh, but then that meant that Ryan or I had to go too. I drew the short stick and had to go. I thought that I might throw up. I don't know how Ella did it so many times. Jack didn't really care.

Poor Jack, this wasn't a well planned activity for him. He really couldn't so much. He did enjoy watching Ella!

Jack fell in love with this water bottle! He carried it around forever!

My sweet babies, they love being together. We are so glad they have each other. What a blessing they BOTH are.

Ella really DID love the Dragon ride! She went on it so many times I lost count!

It was a really FUN really LONG day! We're glad that we went. The kids had a blast!

Park Day

Last week my good friend Melissa planned a fun day at the park! She had lunch for ALL of the children! They also played games and just had fun being outside! The weather has been absolutely fantastic! Thank you Melissa! It was a wonderful day- we have to do it again soon!
The kid needs a bike that's NOT PINK!

Ella saying "I don't WANT to GO HOME!"

This was Ella earlier this week, she wanted to take some pictures because she thought she looked GOOD.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Easter is almost here

This week Ella and I went looking for some Easter clothes for her and Jack. (There was seriously NOTHING cute out there this year!) Ella came across this dress at Target and fell head over heels for it. I on the other hand was less then thrilled. I tried talking her out of it before finally saying we would have to call Daddy and see if it was OK. He caught my hit and tried bargaining with her- "I'll play video games with you tonight, we can make cookies". Nothing worked, she loved that dress to much! We gave in. Is that bad? She does look pretty cute. Although we think that she would look cute in anything.
Sheesh, what a little model. I asked her if we could take some pictures today after church and she said OK, as long as she could pose however she wanted. So.. that's what we did.

Jack got a new vest too. I wanted the kids to match, but since Ella picked a pink dress I was left without many options.
My handsome boy.

Ella also wanted a picture in this outfit. What a diva!


Ella's last day of spring break was yesterday, so sad! I loved having her home and hanging out with me and the Jackster. Yesterday we had so much fun hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house! Ella watch a movie and we all went swimming! (This was Jack on the way to get China food (as Ella calls it) with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Sasha and Tori!)
These girl's love each other so much! They always have a good time together! Ella tried some crab legs for the first time- she LOVED them!

After the kids and I got home I was kind of feeling bad that we never did anything really fun with Ella her whole week of spring break.
(THIS is the Ghetto part) We had seen this carnival in the mall parking lot on our way home and so we decided we would take Ella! It's always a little scary, OK maybe a LOT scary! Weird people, weird smells, weird everything. Ryan's usually pretty relaxed with the kids, he'll let them kind of run around as long as he can see them. NOT here. He wouldn't let Ella go more then a foot away from him.
This was Jack's first time with cotton candy! He didn't know what to think!
This was how Jack looked the whole time! He was kind of freaked out! I think that with so many people, bright lights and loud music he didn't know what to do. He kept trying to get over to the games- he wanted to pick one of the ducks and win a prize really bad. Maybe next time buddy!

So since rides were 3 bucks a pop we let Ella pick only two. After much consideration she decided she wanted to ride dumbo. She really thought it was the dumbo ride from Disneyland. A pretty messed up looking Dumbo if you ask me. She then decided to go on the swings. Of course she picks a seat that another little girl is in- even though there are other seats that were completely empty. She finds a new friend wherever we go.
To top off the night we took the kids to get a doughnut! Yummy! ( I think that Jack looks so old in the top picture!)

Poor Ryan, he's having to work over two weeks straight without ANY days off! Poor guy, he's such a good sport!
This was at the carnival- Ella was dancing SO goofy! Ryan and I were laughing so hard! Where the heck did she learn/come up with that!?

School starts tomorrow for my belly-bug. I'm so sad!
Spring Break is OVER................

Swimming in the Backyard

It's been pretty warm outside this week! Summer is a comin! Ella was so excited when we decided to try going down the slide into the pool. I think she must have gone down it a million times!
I think that the pictures of Jack are so funny! They look like he was really scared, but he wasn't. (Why do ALL boys like guns!?)

He's started- screaming ALL the time now! I am so glad that we have such a nice little backyard. I didn't really want to rent this house, I liked another one in this same neighborhood better, but Ryan insisted that we get this one. He was right... yes, I'll say it again (since it doesn't happen that often) Ryan was right. This backyard has been so wonderful for the children. Jack loves to wander around looking at bugs, plants and rocks. He would stay outside all day long! The little girl's next door always climb up the wall to chat with Ella. It's adorable. I HAVE to get a picture of that sometime. She has several little hideaways and club houses. I often find her outside twirling in the middle of the lawn singing a song from Sleeping Beauty.

Ella wanted me to take video of her going down the slide.

This was taken right after we went swimming. I was upstairs helping Ella get dressed (Jack was already dressed), when I hear something NOT GOOD. Jack was once again trying to plunge an entire roll of toilet paper down the toilet. Uhhhhh..... So I grab my cleaning supplies and start cleaning everything up. THEN I walk out to find this- Jack standing at the counter- NAKED! And on my phone. What a stink!

This is again- later that same day. Dressed in his Jam-Jam's ready for bed. His 5th outfit for that day. But he looked so cute. He wants to do everything everyone else is doing. Including wanting to watch movies on Daddy's I-plod, as Ella calls it.

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