This week started out celebrating one of my BEST friends ever birthday!
Happy Birthday Tiffany!

The kids had a blast playing in ALL of the snow!
Lilly almost never sneaks into our bed anymore. Now I'm starting to miss all of her sweet cuddles
I love that Lila loves to be snuggled up like a newborn baby still...
Look who I ran into at the store.
Ryan got to open one of his Christmas presents early!
It was a record player so he could listen to all of the records left to him by his Grandfather, including several Christmas ones. (Hence him opening it early!)
Lila sure loves helping wrap presents! She has figured out how to roll across the floor to what she wants- which is wrapping paper!
It was so fun to put together a 12 days of Christmas for the kids!
Spent all evening shopping with Mom and Sami, then stayed up till 2am wrapping presents. Today I'm finishing addressing all of our Christmas card! (Ryan helped pick them out- the card pops out to be an ornament!) We are just about ready for Christmas!
My day- two fussy little ladies in overcrowded stores.. But I'm happy to say that ALL of my shopping is DONE!!!
Love when they nap together
She's looking so big in her carseat
Chris Mouse has been hiding in some pretty silly places!
It took the kids a LONG time to find him!
The 12 days of Christmas has been an absolute hit!
It's been great motivation for being extra good!
Lila found a fun place to play.
I love this so much! Merry Christmas!
Jack must have a serious problem with "being rude" That, or Lilly has a serious problem with getting her feelings hurt
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