Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Break

Love Lilly's bedhead!
Someone was a little late in getting her 5 month pictures.. oh well.
Fresh out of the tub!
It was fun to have Maisy here for a couple of days!
Ryan's last day off from work. It was so nice having him around! The kids still have a couple of days though!

Monday, December 30, 2013

5 Months Old

This sweet baby, she makes me so happy!
I've been so blessed to be able to have 4 healthy, happy babies.

She's really into her feet lately ;)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ice Skating

After the first attempt at ice skating, we called ahead to make sure that it was open, which it was.
The kids were so excited!
These girls are such good friends, I love it!

Lilly had no clue how to even attempt to skate, we all took turns holding her up and pulling her around the ice. She didn't care, she loved it!
Jack was amazing! At first he kept falling and falling, but always got back up and tried again.
By the end of the night he was flying by me so fast! Still falling some, but he didn't care. He keeps asking me when we can go again!
It was so cold! The baby stayed all bundled up in her seat

There's Kent again....
It was fun to go with a big group!
Why does he do this? Seriously? He hates it when I post pictures like this and he knows I will....
At least I got one good one..
but only one...
Mary and Kevin started this huge line. I love that sweet little Ella was right in the middle
Everybody got pretty tired of holding Lilly up. She would get so mad! She wanted to skate dang it!
Jack had to take some breaks too, so was so hot and sweaty, I didn't worry about him being cold.

It was so sweet, Ryan asked Ella to "take a turn" around the ice with him. Good Daddy.
I think that Jack would have skated all day. I guess we need to go again!
Why do I let Ryan video?

It was such a fun night!

Friday, December 27, 2013

First Time Sledding

I am a horrible mother...
My kids have never been sledding... Ok, Ella did when she was little. But then we lived in Arizona and I feel like I've been pregnant ever since.
This morning when we decided to go look for a sled to buy, it was not as easy as I thought.
There were seriously NO sleds anywhere. Finally I found one! Four other people/families asked me where I got it as I walked to checkout. 
The kids were nervous at first, but soon were fighting over the sled.
Maisy got to come with us!

Both of these kids screamed with excitement every time!

Not a bad view!
It has been three years this week since we moved back to Utah from Arizona. Although Utah is out home and we love it here and all of the people and family we get to live close to, we will always love our time in Arizona too! We made lifelong friendships there! We are especially grateful for the time we were able to spend with Ryan's mom in her last years of life. I can't believe it's already been three years!
After sledding we went back over to my Mom and Dad's.
Ryan had bought this duck and wanted to try it.
It was so nice to have him home today!
Ryan's Dad got engaged in the fall and was planning on getting married the day after Christmas, however plans changed and now they are getting married in February.
So Ryan took all of the time off from work, with nowhere to go :)
The duck was slimy and gross....

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day After Christmas

I love that Mary had a baby about the same time as me! 
Matching outfits is a must for cousins!
Such sweet girls!
Today we just hung out at Mom and Dad's.
Jack was out on the Jeep, giving the smaller kids rides. There was a little line at the door waiting to go out.
It's always fun to try on all of your new outfits :)
Ryan gave me a card of cash for Christmas AND a new camera.
Mary and Kevin went with us to the outlets, where I picked up this new bag.
It was a total steal!
We then used our gift cards to get lunch at McDonald's. 
Mom and Dad always give the kids gift cards for happy meals.
Mom also made each child a pillow case out of fabric that would be special to them.
Harvey had a meltdown in the parking lot.....
It was ok, Kevin got him
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