Almost every year Lisa gets a deal at a hotel in Park City.
She invited us up too!

The hotel is always for a whole week, but Lisa couldn't go up the first part of the week.
So Ryan and I took up our kids for some family time.
Ryan took the "scenic" road.
It was really, really pretty. I'm just glad that nobody threw up!
It was really, really pretty. I'm just glad that nobody threw up!
We got there on Sunday after church.
As soon as we got to the hotel and got settled we looked at the list of hotel activities and saw that there was a chili night happening right then.
Dinner- done!
Of course as soon as humanly possible Ryan wanted to go to the hot tub!
The pool was super warm too!
Lila's a Bailey. She loves hot tubs too.
All cleaned up, the kids watched movies and had snacks.
Bedtime! The hotel was a suite, so everyone got a nice big bed.
The next morning we all slept in. Heavenly!
We ate breakfast and got dressed.
Ryan took his time.. He's such a lounger!
While Ryan slowly pried himself out of bed and got dressed, the older kids got to go to a little mining class at the hotel. They taught about local history and taught them how to pan/screen for gold.
They LOVED it!
When we were all ready to go.. Lila insisted on holding Dad's hand while walking down the hall.
Nice face..
After we left the hotel we didn't really have a plan. So Ryan drove up to Deer Valley to see his parents old home and where we had our wedding reception.
As we were driving around his parents old neighborhood, Ryan pointed out where we took our engagement pictures. We thought it would be fun to recreate almost 13 years later!
We've changed so much! Ha!
Then we went to walk around main street.
We always have to go and see the General Store where I worked when Ryan and I were first married and even throughout my pregnancy with Ella.
There aren't that many shops around for kids. But we did find one place.. all of the kids and Ryan kept coming up to me, asking me "can I get this.. can I get this?"
Somehow I was able to get us out of there without spending a penny
Some people think these crowns are silly, but I love them!
When we lived in Park City we used to eat at the same pasta place.. I swear, their prices have tripled!
I guess that's what happens after 13 years!
We promised the kids if they could be good in at lunch that they could get a treat at the candy store.
Lila knew what she wanted!
After our treat we walked around the outlets a little.
Jack really liked these glasses.
Cheap fun at the outlets when little legs are tired
What a goof!!
Once back at the hotel it was time to go back in the hot tub!
The hotel is on the side of the mountain, so pretty.
Lila napped while I did some laundry.
After cleaning up the hotel and packing up.. it was time to go.
On our way back home we stopped at one of Ryan's favorites, Dairy Keen for dinner.
We went home on Monday evening and then the that Friday after school we went back up.Lisa had been there the whole time we were gone. It was kind of nice, we got to go alone as a family, Lisa got to be there with several of her friends and then we went back up to stay with Lisa.
It worked out really well!
These girls are pretty good friends, they could have stayed in that tub all night!
Saturday morning I had to take Jack back down for his last soccer game, but grabbed some costumes for the kids on our way back up.
The outlets were having trick or treating.
We were some of the first people there, so we didn't really have to wait in line for the treat bags and face paint.
So fun! I bet I could figure out how to do this for my kids parties!
All of the pretty princesses!
I wasn't sure if Lila would like sitting still to get her face painted, but when she saw the other girls getting their faces painted, she wanted to too!
I thought the boys turned out really great. Jack loved it!
The older girls didn't want anything too little kiddie.. they just got some little touches for their costumes.

The kids loved running from store to store.
It was a good preview of what Halloween would be like.
Which was Ella and Jack being way ahead of Lilly and Lila.
We got back to the hotel and celebrated Preston's birthday!
He's officially 6 years old! He and Jack are the same age for just a couple of weeks.
(Ella and Paige are only the same age for one week!)
Preston had been looking forward to his big birthday in Park City, I hope it was everything he hoped for.
We gave his some ninja turtles.
It was so sad. As we were getting ready for the trip I had a bag with them, waiting to be wrapped.
Jack found it and came to me crying, saying he had ruined his birthday by finding his presents..
So sad. He was really reveled to find out they weren't his.
Although in just a couple weeks he will get those same one for his birthday ;)
Those are Ryan's legs. He wasn't going to come back up, since he had to work.
But suddenly he was there! LOL!
He couldn't miss the chance to go in the hot tub again!
These guys had so much fun together!
Good thing that Ryan was there to watch them for hours while they played in the pool and hot tubs
Lisa and I took the little kids to the playroom for a while.
All ready for bed. We all needed to get good sleep that night to be ready to leave early the next morning.
They all wanted to sleep together, so sweet!
This morning we hurried and packed everything up and raced down the canyon!
We got all dressed and ready for church as fast as we could.
It was our primary program!
and jack both did a great job!! Today was Ella's very last primary
program... She's so ready to make the move to young women's. (most of
her friends already have) it's hard being 11 :)
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