Thursday, February 23, 2012

My New Calling at Church

A couple of months ago I received a new calling at a young women's Mia Maids adviser!
Lets just say I was a LITTLE intimidated to say the least! I've never had a calling in young women's before.
It took more then a couple of times to recite the young women's theme without looking at the poster on the wall- there have been changes made to it since I was a youth.
The first week in February I was in charge of our class activity!!
We had a spa night at my house. We started out talking about beauty and what true beauty really is.
We decided that it was being honest, vitreous, kind, loving... and so on.

After a quick lesson we all gave ourselves pedicures and manicures.
We snacked on some cookies and treats and lemon water.
I'm really starting to enjoy my calling and maybe even getting the hang of it.
These girls are the BEST!
Some of the ladies even did some home made facials!
The night went great, I learned three important thing
1. There is such a thing as SMELL polish. After your fingernail polish dries it has a sent. Like Strawberries.
2. It takes TWO bottles of fingernail polish remover to get polish out of the carpet.
3. Young Women's might NOT be as scary as I thought.

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