For the past six months if you asked Jack about his birthday at all he would tell you, he was having a SUPERHERO birthday party! He helped with all of the details.
We had all of his favorite foods, hot dogs, Gatorade, fruit, cookies, cupcakes, chips and especially watermelon!
He was SO excited!
We had all of Jack's friends over- including some new friends from primary!
I love little Lilly in these pictures. I'm so blessed to have such an easy going- go with the flow kind of baby!
I spent all week making each one of the kids their very own superhero cape! I think they thought that was a lot of fun!

We went outside to play some games.
They didn't go how I had hoped.... but I think the kids still had fun.
Time for cake!! I was so happy that (even with a language barrier) I was able to talk the lady working at the bakery to put together a batman cake at the last minute! I wanted to give her a hug I was so grateful to her!
Such a cute team!
Jack loved the game where everyone turns his picture into a superhero!
Presents!! I think that Jack asked about 20 times throughout the day when he could open his presents!
He got everything he wanted. Most of all LEGOS!
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