Friday, September 25, 2009

You'll never believe

Remember THIS post??
Guess what!?

This afternoon I called to Jack that it was time to go get Ella from school. {Of course he HAD to wear his backpack and his awesome shades.} When he walked into the livingroom he was wearing......... the missing crocks!

I could NOT believe it!

I asked him where he got them and tried to have him show me where he had hidden them.

But he couldn't remember, or didn't want to tell me.

He probably wants to keep his favorite hiding spot a secret.

I wonder what else I would find there?

I'm just so glad that they are found! It drove me crazy for weeks trying to find those things. I looked EVERYWHERE! I tore up the whole house one day and called everywhere we had gone in the day that I believed they had gone missing. With no luck. I thought I was going to lose my mind! I seriously just about cried and prayed several times that I would be able to find them.

The lord answers our prayers, even if they are over stupid shoes.

It's just on his time.

Even if they were only 7 dollars, that's 7 bucks that would have been lost.

Happy Day!

{Did you see our new curtains. This place is slowly coming together. Starting to even feel like a home now. Again, good day. I've been needing a good day!}

{Also, funny he's wearing the same outfit both times!!! Maybe wearing that top reminded him that he needed to go get his crocks!}


Karla Lewis said...

So what are the chances his crocks were in his backpack the whole time? We have found long lost things before in play backpacks.

Tiffany Robinson said...

I thought you were going to say you were pregnant or that you were moving to UTAH!! HA! That is great that you found them.

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