Ella had been looking forward to it for weeks!

Ella had started out with one short line.
She and I worked on it for a few minutes last Friday at the practice.
However, when she went up to say it {at the practice} someone realised it wasn't the right thing for her to say and had her repeat one of the article's of faith.
Come Sunday she wasn't the least bit nervous!
When it was her turn she walked up to the Microphone and said
"She washes my clotheses!"
She did great, except that wasn't an article of faith, that was the first line she had.
Of course someone in the presidency helped her to say the right thing.
Ella told me after that she felt so embarrassed, but to me, it was adorable!
She thought that she was totally prepared and ready!
A BIG shout out to everyone in the primary!
It was such a wonderful program. The spirit was so strong!
Thank you for all that you do!

Even Grandma Sandy came to support Ella on her big day!
Thank you so much for coming, it meant so much to Ella that you were there!
CUTE little Jack I love the hat!!
Good job Ella. We miss you.
cute pics I love them
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