This week I've just been a lousy Mom I guess.

Whoa! He's wearing clothes, it's a miracle!
If you can believe it, this kid does slow down sometimes. Although not often or for very long.
Jack is almost two years old, however it has just been these past two weeks that I have decided that I'm going to be totally done with nursing.
{I know, he's really old. Many of your might think that it's really gross. But he loves it and he's still a baby to me!}
He really only nursed at night, so that has by far been the hardest part. All night he would pull my hair or scream because I wouldn't nurse him.
But slowly things started to get better.
Every night he falls asleep in our bed and then Ryan will carry him into his big boy bed. Then around 2am he'll climb back in with us.
two morning's ago I woke up at 6:50am and Jack was nowhere to be seen!
I actually kind of freaked out and had Ryan run and check on him.
He WAS still breathing.
{pictures taken that morning}
I guess he realised what's the point in pulling his blanket all the way down that hall to get in bed with Daddy, who snores sometimes and a really mean mom who wont nurse him anymore.
So at almost two years old Jack is finally totally weaned and sleeping in his own bed!
Happy Day!
Let's hope that this continues. Maybe he'll even start learning to fall asleep in his own bed too!
I'm not getting my hopes on that one anytime soon.
One step at a time.
oh wow he is almost 2 ahhh! I love his big boy bed and way to go for having him done with nursing.
That video is hilarious - Jack is such a crack-up! I love his hair!
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