You would think that would happen every 5 days right?
As far as our life with Ryan
you would be wrong. Very wrong.
This guy gets a day off maybe once a month
No really. I am NOT joking
Trust me, he wishes that things were different
Never having a day off can get very OLD very FAST
For all of us
Ryan shouldn't feel like where he lives is in the model home and where he sleeps and sometimes gets the chance to eat at is a hotel
Because that's what the kids and I are
A hotel
For the poor man with the terribly crappy job
Due to him almost never being around for anything (not his fault, but still a fact just the same) I have documented the day well
That's enough about that
we all went swimming!
Jack loved throwing that shark toy and then jumping in the water and swimming to get it
I hadn't been, well still don't for that matter, feel well
Not sure what my deal is yet
I actually went to the doctor
something I almost never do
we'll see what happens
So while everyone was swimming I was mostly just hanging out poolside watching the fun

He would not look at the camera
I would say, look here Jack, show Mommy how you swim
This is what I got
Naughty boy
He's getting really good at swimming though
The fact that he can stay floating on his belly in his life jacket is real progress

Jack loves his playhouse!
He would play in it all day everyday if he could
Look at those eye's
They are her Daddy's
HOLY COW!! LOOK AT THAT FISH SWIM oh yeah that's ELLA HA! so much swimming you do I mistaken her for a fish. I want to see pics of the house. Ella has her 6 year molars in I can see it perfectly!!
WOW! Tell Ella she is a great swimmer!!! And Maisy says she wants to come there.
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