Not to far from where we were, just a couple miles.
It's a house that we are helping to fix up.
We have all been putting many hours into it! It feels like that's all we've been doing for a month!
{Pictures to come... sometime.}

For anyone, like me, who's worried about Jack- we have an alarm, gate and two locks. So far it's been fine. Let's hope it stays that way!
This kid is so naughty! We have no idea how he was able to get up on top of our dresser like that!With moving that means that we are having to say goodbye to our old house and our old ward.

I didn't think that I would be so sad to leave the other house, until I had to turn over the keys to our landlord.
We had a lot of good times there!
Ella turned 5 AND 6 there
Jack learned how to crawl, walk and run there
Jack turned 1
Ella had her first day of school
Many family and friends have come to stay with us
We love our ward and made so many new friends
Ryan and I had birthdays, Christmas, Valentines day, Halloween, Easter, anniversaries
We loved the back yard, our neighbors and the millions of kitchen cabinets!
But mostly, it was our first home here in Arizona

The kids were great through the move. Even when it was 118 degrees!
They watched a LOT of movies and played together while Ryan, Sandy and I worked!
Thank you to Rick and Sandy, thank you for all that you do for us!
What are your other changes this year - Are you coming back?
p.s. they are replacing driveways up here, you may need to call Richmond to see if you are on the list! Call me if you have questions!
Moving in 118 degrees? UGG. Goodluck with everything. Jack looks so tiny up on that dresser, so cute.
Too think all that work and then it's not even yours to call a permanent address!! What a hard worker both of you are. UGG!
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