On Saturday was our ward hunt. We had been looking forward to it for so long! We had to wake up SO early! We look out the window- RAIN! I swear it has been raining every freaking holiday here! We decided to brave the rain. Tons of people were there! We got there just in time to start the hunt! Jack did so well, he carried around his basket the whole time!

Ella and Grace!

They let the little kids go first!

Then the big kids were OFF! Ella was awesome!

Then they got out a launcher and launched toys out of it!

Although there was food at the park, Jack was way too cold! We decided to got to Village Inn, Melissa, Ava and Dillon joined us!

It was all fun and games until Jelly was everywhere.
It was so funny, everyone kept spilling drinks, poor Dilly spilled hot chocolate all over the table, himself and into his mom's purse!

Then as we are thinking that everything is alright again, we look over to see Dilly putting a little salt on his pancakes, ok maybe a lot of salt! Silly boy!
Thank you Melissa for coming with us, it was so much FUN! Also for the ride home and for having Ella play at your house ALL DAY! I owe you BIG time!!!!
It seemed to RAIN everywhere. That is so nice that your ward got to put that together. I can't wait for you to be back to have fun with us again.
Oh my gosh, look at all that salt! So funny! Looks like a fun day in the rain, never the less!!!
Your family is so beautiful! I cant believe how big your kids are getting. Seems like just yestready I saw Ella and she was just a baby. Anyways, unfortunately for you I'll be going out there to see Nicole. They are having her blessed on the 3rd and I've been wanting to head out there before I get to be too far along since I dont think we will see Nicole and Steve for awhile. I'll take lots of pics though!
Breakfast with you guys was for sure the highlight of our rainy morning!!!
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