Ella's two front/bottom teeth had been lose.. forever! Her permanent teeth had even started growing in. Her Dentist told us that she needed to keep wiggling it and get it out. Last night it was hanging on by a thread so Ryan decided that we needed to just pull it out. Ella was freaking out! After about a hour or trying to convince her Ryan just went over and pulled it out. She cried at first but then started laughing, "that wasn't that bad at all Mom!"

Then this is this morning- at 6AM! She was so excited. I just wish that her excitement hadn't woken up her brother.. it's going to be a long day. We are pretty proud of our little lady, she was very brave!
Wow, Ella. You are growing up so fast!
YEAH!! finally it happened. That is funny how her Perm tooth was already coming in behind it. So just the one tooth came out right. She still has one more that is loose. So Does Avorie...the Race is on.
Wow Ella!!! Ava is going to be jealous.... she wants to lose a tooth so bad!!!
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