JOHN- he's one of Ryan's oldest friends.. no, I mean, he's know Ryan a long time. (OK and he's really old too) We went on an awesome trip with him and love going to his "game nights"! He's just one of those honest good guys. Wish we could have been there for your big day buddy, next year ;)

BRIAN- he and Ryan met and it was like they had known each other for years! I swear we haven't ever laughed as hard with as we have with him. He's always got a cool story, usually about weird people on his flights! Happy Birthday Bry-guy!

And then there's JUSTIN- If you ever lost and don't know where something is, or are looking for someplace in the Gilbert area HE's the guy to ask. He knows everything and everyone here in Gilbert. He has a HUGE truck. He's our favorite guy to play games with! We should do something for your B-day this week!
Thank you all for being such good friends to us, we hope that you had great birthdays!
p.s. did I try to use unflattering pictures, why yes, yes I did! Heheheheheheh! Happy Birthday from ME.
Thanks Rachel....Miss you guys. You gotta get on back to Utah.
John Robinson
Ohhh, so sweet. Thanks Rachel! But you are right about unflattering pics. It makes Justin look really wide. Still a hottie anyways. Yeah I can't believe you guys will be gone in less than 2 weeks! What is Ryan's schedule like so we can hang out? I know you are busy but we HAVE to do something.
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