So hard to choose!
Good ol' wal-mart! They didn't even mind that we broke one. Oops!

Finally! They picked out the most perfect ornaments! Ella picked an angel and Jack picked some weird scary Santa! Perfect. We always write on the back their name, how old they are and what year. When they grow up and move out to start families of their own I will box up all of their ornaments and give them to each of them.

That is funny. We don't have any AZ team stuff in our WalMart.
Jack is so adorable. I love his big boy outfits. He looks like a preppy high school student.
Rach, that is such a great tradition, I love it! We've got to start some traditions around here! We are always gone for Christmas! Did you guys get snow?? Vegas got 6 inches, all the schools were closed yesterday. There is still snow on the ground this morning!
What a great tradition! Your kids are so adorable by the way! Have a Merry Christmas!!
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