Many of you probably don't know that I am Swedish! On December 13th is Lucia Day! I try to celebrate many of the Swedish holidays including Midsummer's!
On Lucia Day a girl is elected to portray Lucia. (Usually the oldest daughter.) Wearing a white gown with a red sash and a crown of candles on her head. She serves everyone traditional rolls and hot coca and everyone sings Christmas songs! It was Jack's first year being a "star boy"! He gets to help. This Swedish festival of lights helps to brighten up the long winter nights in December. It celebrates the life of a real saint, Lucia, who was known for her kindness and love. I have such a wonderful Grandma who always sends me such wonderful Lucia day things! Ella always looks forward to this day every year. I'm glad that I can carry on the tradition of our heritage with her. I have always loved Lucia day too, I have so many wonderful memories of getting to be Lucia as a little girl!
Jack's running away, I guess that means we're done.....
Ryan and Ella LOVE going to the ghost town. After we took our pictures we though, why not!?They really could hang out there all day together.
This time they had a little gun fight show. When I say little I mean little. It lasted all of 15 seconds! Hahahahahah! Ella didn't care, she still thought it was way fun!Ella got to pose with one of the rough and tough cowboys!
Ella was so excited to climb these stairs! Oh boy! I'm glad that she didn't know what it was.
This time Ryan and Ella went on the train ride! It was kind of chilly and windy so Jack and I stayed back and hung out in the car.
Everyone was tired after our long day! Two sleeping children, one sexy husband!
Today my good friend Lauren helped me take our family picture for our Christmas card! (I took some, she took most!) Yes, we are VERY late in doing this. Every time we were going to go take them before it was terrible weather or I had a shoot for another family! So yes, you'll be getting a Christmas card but it will be very very late! Thanks for your help Lauren!
Ella's kindergarten class had there last day of school before winter break! They had a fun party called a Jiggle Jog! {It's just dancing on the basketball courts and then a jog around the field.} Jack was perfect! He just sat and danced in his chair!
Ella is delightful! She was so happy jumping and dancing around! They did the hokey poky and the chicken dance!
And their off! Everyone ran the first lap but only three kids kept going for the second and final lap. Ella and two little boys! The teacher always tells me how she's such a little tom boy!
On the home stretch! And she WON! She was the fastest one after the two laps! Yeah Ella!
The car pool gals!
Dylin, Ava, Ella and Faylee
SANTA! Ella has seen Santa so many times this year! She always tells him that she wants a doll! I hope that Polly pocket counts!
I'm SO excited that my little lady is going to get to stay at home with me for two whole weeks! I miss her everyday when she's at school and can't wait for her to get home! We're having movie night every night, making a million cookies and going for a bike ride everyday! I LOVE winter break!
Every year since Ella was six months old and even our first Christmas we were married we pick out special ornaments for the tree. It's so fun to look at the tree and see what ornaments Ella has picked through the years! This was Jack's first year getting to pick his own.
So hard to choose!Good ol' wal-mart! They didn't even mind that we broke one. Oops!
Finally! They picked out the most perfect ornaments! Ella picked an angel and Jack picked some weird scary Santa! Perfect. We always write on the back their name, how old they are and what year. When they grow up and move out to start families of their own I will box up all of their ornaments and give them to each of them.
{See MOM- they have a TON of Green Bay stuff right in front at our wal-mart! (hey, i thought why not, i had my camera out already) }
We are your typical family living in Utah. Ryan and I have been together for 18 years. We have a daughter Ella- 16 who is so sweet and loving, a son Jack-11 - who is so active and fun, a daughter Lilly-7 our wild girl and our bonus baby Lila-6 who we love more than anything! I am a stay at home mom and enjoy crafts and photography! Ryan works in real estate and is such a wonderful husband and father! I hope that you enjoy the look into our lives and don't feel shy about leaving a comment and letting us know you stopped by!