Saturday, May 31, 2014

Last Soccer Game of the Season

Time went by so fast... Today was the last soccer game of the season.
Jack hates when he has to sit out to let other members of the team play. He could play the entire game!
Jack really has become so much faster and stronger.
He's a much better soccer player then at the first game. We are so proud of him.
I loved when I saw that Jack and his teammate had a little handshake/high-five after each goal made!

The girls love playing at the park, eating snacks and watching the boys.
Lilly's such a ham! She tried to get in one more pictures.. :)
It was an awesome game, with Jack making or assisting in all of the goals.
They went out with a bang, winning the game 3-0!

Jack's first ever soccer team. I doubt any of us will ever forget it!
Coach Adam was great. Couldn't have asked for better. He was always so nice and helpful, never mean.

We've already got Jack signed up for soccer again in the fall. I can't wait!

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