The day was finally here! The last day of school!
This big boy has completed kindergarten. He had such a great year. I'm so thankful for his wonderful teacher!
This is it.. only one more year of elementary school before heading off to Jr. high!
She too had a great year. I wasn't sure how things would go with a male teacher, but Mr. Millward was awesome!
They both had some gifts for their teachers.
They were so excited!
Last time dropping them off.. not only for this year, but for the last time at this school.
We've decided for sure to move them schools.
Ella is very sad about this. She's been going to this school for 4 years.
We just feel it's important to get established in our new area. It's our hope that they will make more friends in our neighborhood that will be in church and school with them as well.
We think it's for the best.
Last day....
I could tell that Mrs. Parsons had been crying. I just love her!!
Ella wanted a picture with Mr. Millward, so we walked back up to his class just in time.
Poor Ella started crying. He is such a nice guy!
Goodbye Traverse Mountain!
It really is a great school! I'm so glad my kids for to go there for as long as they did. I think we'll all miss it next year.
Ella had a bunch of her friends sign her tee shirt.
As to keep up with tradition, the kids came home to some fun summer surprises!
Next time to hit the pool! .... or splash pad!
Everyone got new swimsuits, towels and some kind of floaty!
Lila thought the water was a bit cold, she liked hanging out on her towel and having some snacks.
Sami and Tyler came along
"It's so cold Mama!"
I love Lila's little lips as she sips her juice box! So cute!
It was so fun to run into one of Jack's classmates!
She was so sweet! She kept trying to hold Jack's hand!
I ended up talking with her Mom and found out that she has a little cousin Jack's age and that she always holds his hand. Well, Jack wouldn't have anything to do with it! Ha!
They were playing a game and were on the same team.
I hope that even though we wont be at the same school anymore, that we will still run into some of friends.
Summers here!! I'm so excited!! Starting now, we've got something going on almost everyday!
Ella's birthday, moving, 4th, Lila's birthday, pioneer day, vacation and then school starts again!
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