Jack seriously was counting down the days until his first soccer game!
He and Ryan went and picked out his soccer shoes and knee guards.
He wanted to wear them everyday.

Jack wanted me to take these pictures of him.
He picked the pose ;)
Most of the time Jack is almost crippled with anxiety when it comes to performing in front of other people... like school music concerts...
But with soccer he didn't seem nervous at all!
He spent some time getting warmed up..
Us girls just hung out on the sidelines watching.
The game started! Jack couldn't wait to get out there and try to make a goal!
All of a sudden I see Ryan walking into the park. I had a feeling that he wasn't going to be able to stay away :) I hope he doesn't get fired for ditching work! Ha!
He said that he was sitting at work, thinking about his little boy, his only son, at his first ever soccer game. A game that Ryan loves. Jack playing and his Dad not there.
It was more then Ryan could take! Ryan knows his priorities.
They were playing the very experienced team called the Cheetah-Dinosaurs. Yep, really.
I loved that when Jack's coach asked what they should name their team, Jack yelled "The Scorpions!! Just like my Dad and my Sister!!"
So the blue scorpions it was!
About half way through the game it's like something snapped in Jack- it's like he really got IT.
He was so close to getting some goals!!
I love that you can hear Ryan on the video. SO proud of his boy!
It was a great first game.. other then us being creamed 6-0.
There's always next time!
I am so proud of my little man! He worked so hard and is a great teammate!
I love my daughters and always wanted girls. But I'm so happy and thankful for my SON.
He really is the best kid a parent could ask for. I have truly been blessed to be his Mother.
Ryan was beaming with pride the whole game. Jack is Ryan's buddy. They work and play together everyday. It makes Ryan so happy to see Jack enjoy something that he loved so much for so long.
Jack may have inherited some of Ryan's skills! He's got some fast feet!
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