After a day of driving all over kingdom come {Many doctors appointments, although things are looking much better in that department} we were able to spend a little time together as a family outside. The kids love being outside! It's been so hard not having a nice backyard for them to play in. We're working on it though and hope that it will be ready for them soon.
Ella still wants her training wheels. She's much to chicken to try without them.
Seems to me like she needs some quality Daddy time to figure it out.
I can feel the heat coming. Not looking forward to the 115 degree summer... at all.
So we better spend as much time having fun outside now, before it's so hot we melt.
what size bike did you get her? We are thinking about buying the boys some bikes but we can't agree on the right size for ethan.
So funny to see this big bike and big kid with little training wheels. poor ELLA.
After this day she's become so much better, I'm SURE that sometime this spring we'll be able to take the training wheels off!
Sar, I wish that we had waiting the get the BIG BIG girl's bike. Oh well. It's the biggest "kid bike" before going to the "teen" bike.
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