You know that place in Mesa that you can see right off the 60 that's really old. Like Ryan remembers it from when he was a little kid and kind of thinking it was old, yep, that's where we went and it was actually a lot of fun!

She would get so excited and yell, "mom, I got a 9!"
We each got one hole in 1!

Although it wasn't as fun after he got his hand stuck under the little door.
I think it's time to let go of the passy.
Yep, Ryan actually took a couple of shots of me.

It was pretty hot that day. Over 80 degrees! We were all dying of thirst the whole time. The time has come yet again to carry water bottles around wherever we go again.

Ella has liked taking more pictures. She always tries to OVER direct though, until we are saying... just take the picture already!
See, this place was OLD.

Where is Jack!? Oh, climbing a really high slippery rock wall. Typical.
Ryan thought that people would think that Ella was being racist and told her to stop posing like that.
On the last hole we look over and Jack's just sitting on the hole in one. Ryan thought that was so funny! Ryan was still laughing about it when we look over and there is Jack with his pants and diaper down sitting on it like a potty, trying to get his hole in one! Now you get it? Others saw, others laughed. What a stinker!
Then it was off to the races! Jack was VERY disappointed that he couldn't go. You had to be 3... so sad.
Ella had a lot of fun! Ryan looked so serious but was having fun too, it's hard trying to kick the butts of a bunch of 12 year old kids!
Another shot from Ella.
I took Ella on the bumper boats, bad idea. It made me so sick, all the spinning around and around. I had told her that she could drive it the whole time, but by the end I had to or I was going to be sick. It was a lot of fun though, Ella LOVED crashing into people and slashing them!
Ella's yells "hey mom, watch me, I can be just like Mowgli!" Sure enough.
Then the kids just played forever in this huge playground. Jack was a little shy at first. We didn't see Ella most of the time, she was having too much fun with all of her new friends. We would hear her say "you can be in my club" or "let's run from the boys"! I LOVE that she's so outgoing and friendly! She makes friends wherever she goes!

1 comment:
Looks like our Trafalga but your stuff actually works. Jack is a little stinker, but a very cute one. I love all his poses he is getting just as good as ELLA.
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