The kids were so excited!
{A HUGE thank you to the SCOTT family for making it possible!!!!!}

We watched him for a long time, eating his breakfast.

"Where it go mama!?"

They smelled TERRIBLE and looked like sacks of skin.
So weird.

The weather was so nice! 75 degrees!
We sat for a long time, just enjoying the breeze and feeding the ducks.
{When we got home we realised that enjoying the sun gave us all sunburns. Oops. Next time I wont forget the sunscreen!}

As we were walking along the water looking at the fish and turtles all of a sudden these HUGE peacocks walked RIGHT by Ella. 
The monkey's were so fun to watch, jumping from rope to rope!

She was a little freaked out to say the least!
{My camera was acting up so much that day! AH!}

I knew it was going to happen at some point.
But that was ok, we all needed a good rest!
{Again, camera being weird!}
SUCH a DIVA! "hold one sec Mom".

When Ryan was off the phone we wanted to take some family shots, first time Ella didn't make it before the timer. Awwww... don't we look cute!?

My little baby kangaroos!
They had a lot of fun playing on there life size replicas of different animals.
Jack felt like he had found some of his own kind!
Ella loves turtles!
My Pearls!
Until one stood up and realised, those are REAL!
Poor guy... he wouldn't let me set him down again.
Ella was so sweet, she brushed every single one. But she warned me, don't brush that one Mom, he's really aggressive. She's so funny! She also told me she's seriously thinking about becoming a veterinarian someday.
Couldn't walk by some tractors without trying them out.

{Why do petting zoo's always only have goats!?}
Jack was actually really great about getting down and brushing some of them.

Ok, well it wasn't a real cow, but it worked like a cow.
She said she wants to try to milk a real cow this summer when we go to Wisconsin!
Where was Jack, Oh, pushing a kid off the tractor so that he could have another turn. Nice.
Jack crashed in the wagon while Ella made some friends in the play area.
She was running all over the place playing tag with a bunch of BOYS.
We had such a great day! It was the perfect afternoon together as a family.
I'm so glad we went!
LOOKS the best ZOO EVER!! I wish we could have gone. I can't even imagine wearing a tank top and shorts right now...can't wait to get there.
It looks like you had fun! I am glad that you found some fun things to do with Ella on spring break, and as a family!
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