All day Saturday I had a garage sale. I was NOT looking forward to it, but with the earnings going towards fixing up the dirt we call the back yard it made it worth it.
Actually it wasn't that bad and I was able to get a LOT done that day. Like get rid of TONS of our crap that was everywhere, closets, garage and even a storage unit. All things that really hadn't been touched or looked at in almost 2 years. It's a freeing feeling, being rid of so much.. stuff. I hate stuff. Now my closets are well organized and any storage items are neatly packed into nice, LABELED boxes.
{That scratch is almost healed!}

After the sale was over, OK, even before it was over, I started REALLY cleaning out the garage. I can actually pack my car IN the garage now! All I need is a garage door opener and I'll be in good shape. You can't put a dirty car into a clean garage! Ella and I were scrubbing away when I turned around, there was Jack, washing his car too! SO cute!

I felt the need to again, well document this little guy and his "obsessions". He has many. Mostly having to do with cars. Since I can remember he has always LOVED keys. There have been MANY times where our car key's have magically gone missing due to Jack's taking them and misplacing them. {Sorry Mom, I know that yours are still missing! We'll try and look for them again this summer!} Although most of the time we can ask him "Jack where are Daddy's keys!?" He will then run off to some drawer or shelf and give them back. Well, except that time Ryan's key's were missing for like three months. They were behind the piano. Over time Jack has found random key's around the house. Ryan had many key's around due to work. The other day Ryan looked at Jack's HUGE stash of key's and said "that key will unlock ANY house at work". He took that one back.

{Had to post a "normal" picture of Ella too!}
HA!!! SOOOO FUNNY!! I love Jack, he is smarter then us.
that is so hillarious!! I love it!! what a funny thing to try. I think we will do it and post some pics for you to laugh at!
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