Born March 26th, 2010
8lbs 8oz 20.5 inches
Congratulations to Sarah and Mr. K
and Ethan and Matthew
What a sweet addition to our family!
We are so excited to have Liam here with us.
I can't wait to meet his soon!
Why I think that Jack is so weird.
1. both feet in holes punches. {good thing he never pushed them down, if he did he would have two perfect holes in each foot}
2. Still in his Jammies at noon. Oh wait, that's my fault.
3. Wearing a golf glove. That's where that was!
4. His FACE!
5. Holding a screwdriver. Was that for protection?
6. Sitting in a doll chair and he fits.
7. That he's in the closet in general. I have no idea what he was doing in there really or why he thought that made a fun hideout!
It sure was sad to say goodbye to my BellyBug when she had to go back to school.
She's doing so great, on the home stretch for summer! I can't wait!
We have so many fun things planned!