Sunday, November 1, 2009

A lot of nothing can happen in a week

Not much has happened in the past couple of weeks. Ryan and I have been working pretty hard on the house. Laying tile and putting in can lights have taken up most of Ryan's days off. It's looking pretty good around here. I'll have to take some pictures!
The best thing that happened this week was when Ryan's Mom came down and watched our kids so that we could go on a date! It's been a LONG TIME!
It was so nice to get out and not have to worry about kids crying, being hungry, needing a diaper change or having you log them into wedkinz again because Jack turned off the computer and I wouldn't change that for the world.
But it sure feels good to be able to hold my boyfriends hand in a movie and be able to see the WHOLE thing without leaving the theater. OK, I did once. I had to go, I couldn't wait. It was amazing to me that we could chat together and actually hear what the other person was saying without the roar from the back seat.
I wish that it could have lasted about 6 more hours. Maybe for our anniversary!?
But then again, I was happy to hold my babies when we got back. Ella couldn't go to sleep while we were gone. She wanted to wait up for us. My sweet darling.
Thank you Sandy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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