I've already planed out my strategy for Black Friday shopping. I plan on being done with all of my Christmas shopping by Friday at 8am!
The kids thought it was pretty fun to decorated some foam ornaments!
Jack was pretty good with the glue. If good means getting it all over my table.
It washed off and he had fun.
Thanks for the fun cups Grandma on the farm!
They thought that was so much fun, they use them everyday now.

We made the yummiest ginger bread cookies!
They really were the best I've ever had. We'll be making those again.
Maybe with out sprinkles though.
Jack dumped a whole thing of sprinkles all over the kitchen floor.
The little ball kind. They rolled all over everywhere.
I've swept and swept, but the bottom of my feet continue to find more. Ouch.

Yeah right.
{Don't you think it's weird that he has part of his eye that's brown? See, Ryan doesn't have brown eyes! {some people claim that he has brown eyes} My brother Aaron has brown eye's with a spot of blue. Funny huh?}
Isn't my husband HOT!?
{Don't you think it's weird that he has part of his eye that's brown? See, Ryan doesn't have brown eyes! {some people claim that he has brown eyes} My brother Aaron has brown eye's with a spot of blue. Funny huh?}
Isn't my husband HOT!?
you always have projects for the kids....What a great mom!!
OH I wish you were here to do fun crafts with! we want to make foam ordaments! and I want to sneak some cookies!!
caillean has eyes just like ryans!! Hers are blue with one with a speck of brown...
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