Jack- Jack is 10 months old! It's getting closer and closer to his birthday. He's growing up and learning so many new things everyday. He loves to clap his hands, dance and wave hi! He loves to follow everyone all over the house. He's a master at going both up and down the stairs. He loves to getting into the bathroom and pulling the entire toilet paper roll onto the floor and into the hallway. He loves feeding himself and loves to help me in the kitchen by pulling everything out of the cabinets and drawers. He's such a little trouble maker! But, when I look back on life without him, when I look at all that time we prayed from him to come and be a part of our family- I think how I am so grateful for him and his sweet little spirit. What a joy he is to our lives!
He is soooo cute! I can't believe he is 10 months already! Thanks for all of the great pictures!
Your kids are darling, as always! I love Jack's little outfit! He is such a cutie!
I love how big he looks standing tall with Ella. And the hat of course is only adorable as he is.
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