Ryan had today off! Yippee! He never gets any holidays off- we didn't know what to do with ourselves. We decided to pack up the car and head out on an adventure. As a kid it was one of my most favorite things to do. Hop in the car and go wherever to road took us!

We decided to head east towards some mountain's and where we knew a lake was. Out in the middle of no where we found this adorable little ghost town. Ryan tells me that they are everywhere here in Arizona.

It really was an old mining town from the 1800's

Ryan was SOOO excited to see Arizona's largest live display of VENOMOUS reptiles! Ella liked it too. Until the end when Ryan told her that these scary things could be right in our own back yard. Yikes, I didn't want to know that either.
It looks like you guys had fun! What lake did you go to? I like the little water slide. That is so nice that Jack looked at the camera for you in your family picture with the timer! I agree it, was so pretty outside today!
oh and ewww about the yucky creepy crawly things... they are gross and if it makes you feel better, I have lived here for 22 years and only seen 1 rattle snake in the middle of the desert after an hour drive to the middle of no where. and I have only seen about 2-3 sqirpions (sp?). 1 was in our apartment because we had a palm tree that was right next to the window and 2 were at Sandys house right when they moved in and hadn't sprayed yet. So don't worry, I don't think that you will see very many! eww they give me the creeps!
AWW! you are always doing something fun and adventurous. Arizona is beautiful. Here in UTAH it was a rainy stormy day on labor day so we just were lazy and didn't do much.
That place looked so cool. Where was it? I don't think I've been there. Such cute pictures too.
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