My tiny boy is nine months old! He's such a sweet boy, even if all I say all day is- "no jack-jack no!" He's such a trouble maker! I'm so lucky that he's mine. I still think all the time about when I was pregnant with him and so worried. I prayed for him everyday. I wanted this little man so much! Now he's growing up so fast!

OF COURSE I have to have a picture of my baby girl too!
Those pictures are cute! I can't believe he is 9 months old already. It goes by so quick, it is sad!
So cute, I love that little truck! Looks like you had an awesome time on Labor Day!!! I'm glad you got all of those pictures! That was so fun, we had a great time with all of you! See you again soon this weekend!
CUTE!! where did you find an old truck? YOU find amazing things to take pictures with
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