My Mom watches Sarah's little boys during the day while Sarah's at work. I have fallen for this little man. He's one of the sweetest little boy's I've ever known. He has this deep voice that's adorable on such a little man.

If Bizzy knew that I was posting this I think that she would die of a heart attack. She finally got her braces off after almost 3 years! (oh by the way her name is Elizabeth but when she was little everyone would call her a busy bee, which stuck and now everyone just calls her Bizzy!) Don't we look alike!?

We had some day's of just lounging- those are my kind of days!

Jack has started this thing when he laughs- he breaths in hard and scrunches up his nose. He also started sucking on his top lip. If anything got on his lips- like soda, because he now knows how to use a straw (That's enough pay back Sarah! Enough with giving my baby junk!) he would try to suck it off. We were all laughing so hard!
oh my gosh I haved missed you so much! Look at Jack's two little chompers on the bottom....wow
I sure missed the little cuties. Jack is growing up while you were gone. sandy
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