Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ella's First School Dance

Ella's first ever school dance! She didn't really care, but I was SO excited!!
It was so cute how they set it up.
(I didn't realize that it was 50's themed. Therefore Ella didn't dress accordingly, oh well)
Every girl had a dance card and boys signed their name to do a certain dance with them.
There were several line dances they learned as well.

Simon was first. I didn't catch any of the other boys names, but he was so cute!

Ella always asked the boys to hold her dance card since she didn't have any pockets.

I'm pretty sure I danced to that same song when I was 14...

I was worried that Ella would be upset I was there trying to take pictures, but she wasn't.
In fact she asked me several times, "Hey Mom, take our picture!"
Sydney, Ella and Sammy.

Everything was decorated so cute!

They had root-beer floats :)

We had to take a picture without the sweater to show Grandma Swedish the dress she helped pick out.
She's growing up so fast now!

Loved watching Ella dance and have fun!

Had to steal one quick picture of this boy.
Ella has had zero interest in boys, until today. She actually told me she thought this boy way cute! Ah! So not ready for BOYS!

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