Tuesday, April 28, 2015

California Adventure

Day one in the theme parks!!
We were so excited we didn't take any pictures waiting to go in or anything. We get separated from Mom and Dad and were trying to coordinate with them how to meet up.
Right when we walked in we saw Goofy!
Lila was a little stand offish at first.

I got the kids some autograph books and they were so excited for Goofy to sign them!

The first area we went to was bugs life for the little girls. It was their first time here!

Jack has been so excited to be able to "drive" everything!

The great thing about my Mom is that she hates all of the big rides, so she will always opt out and stay with the babies in the stroller. We told Jack- it's just an elevator. It goes up and then down and it's over. He didn't make a sound! He didn't hate it, but I don't think he will want to go on it again for a while.

The day was starting to warm up so we decided to head inside to watch the Aladdin show. 
It's always one of Ryan's favorites!

Next was the Ariel ride. It wasn't open the last time we were here.. it was ok.

A favorite- Woody ride!
I loved Lilly in those glasses!!

Of course Ryan kicked butt!!

Lila was so good all day! She was just excited and happy to be there!

Dreams really do come true here! Ryan was so excited to try one of these turkey legs!
(Although someone told us it's really an emu leg! I'm going to have to look into that!)

Lilly loves her chicken legs, so this was heaven for her too!

With the day still so hot we went on the Grizzly River!
So happy!!
Jack and Ella totally got drenched!

Mom and Dad's turn!

Then we finally made it to Car's Land! Jack had been looking forward to it all day!

It's so cute! The whole street looks just like the movie!

Good thing for fastpasses! It was such a cute ride! A new favorite!

We were not expecting it to be this hot! It was well into the 90's.
We found the perfect little ice cream stop.

These guys are so weird.

Big surprise again! Ella was so shocked to see her best buddy Maisy come around the corner!

Tears of joy!!

The whole day just seemed to work out perfectly!
As were were finishing up our snack we came upon a parade with perfect seats!

Ryan had to run over and get one more ice cream! LOL!

SO many of the characters came up to Lila! I don't know what it was about her, but she loved it!

Ryan has always loved these type of swings. He even puts his arms out like he's flying.
Then it was time for roller coasters!.....

Ryan decided that on every ride he was going to look like he was sleeping. Sometimes I think he's still 12.

After much convincing Ryan got Jack onto the roller coaster!
You can't see him because he's so short, but he IS sitting next to Ryan!
The Whittaker's came for the afternoon!!
You can see Mark and Adam!

Again, you can't see jack! Lol! But he was on it! I believe he went several more time after that.
I did too.. and then started to feel awful!

Dinner time! Ryan and I debated how we should do the meals while there. Finally we decided just to eat in the park. We love these bread bowls. So yummy and filling!

By the time we finished eating it was getting dark. Lila was done for the day.

What a fun, hot, exciting day!! And to think it's just the beginning!
Tomorrow we start our two days at Disneyland!
With a few more surprises!

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