Preston and Jack lounging in their camping chairs!
So about a month ago Lisa and I were hanging out at her Mom's house and got to talking about camping. Lisa's Mom said that we should go and that they would even let us all borrow their trailer!!!
With me being almost 30 weeks pregnant, that was the only way I was going to be going camping this year.
So this past weekend we went! We just went a few miles from Lisa's parents house up Maple Canyon. Lisa's parents were so nice to drive the trailer up for us and set it up!

Paige and Ella
These girls had so much fun finding bugs, going for hikes and making their own little camp.

Baby Brielle's first camping trip!
Ryan had class in the mornings, but he was able to come up right after and stay all day and even spent the night. Too bad he had to wake up at 6am to get to class and I'm sure everyone thought it was weird that he smelled like camp fire!
So that first evening the kids started yelling- "We found a baby wild cat!"
Ryan ran over and then called to me to come over too....

Real wild cat they found... funny... and kind of weird.
Silly kids!

Any chance Jack had to sneak into the trailer he did!
He was so excited to sleep in the "trail" as he called it.

Lisa and I planned out all of the meals, but somehow we ended up with SO MUCH food!
There was hardly enough room in the trailer for all of it. We could have stayed a week!
That first night we made foil dinners at Ryan's request. It's one of his most favorite things about going camping. They turned out pretty good too!

Our little camp site!

Of course we HAD to roast marshmallows!
I love how Lisa makes Smores! That's how we are going to make them now too!

Ryan and Lisa worked on making the most perfectly roasted marshmallows.
Surprisingly nobody ever caught one on fire!

First morning!! We were all so tired from the night before we slept in pretty well.
It was so nice, Lisa gave Ryan and I the BIG bed!

The kids!! They played with play dough and played some games.
They gathered a huge pile of firewood and ate lots of snacks!

Jack was a little sour the first day. He had to have several time outs. Over the past couple of weeks it's been harder to have his sit on my lap and have Mommy cuddle time and I think it's been pretty hard on him. I hope he'll be okay when the baby gets here!

Ryan is such a good Dad! He would take the kids on little hikes and tell them all about nature!
It was also nice because that meant Lisa and I got to sit and play our sudoku!

These sweet boys of ours!!!

The kids NEVER has any type of soda, but on the camping trip I couldn't count how many they drank! Especially Jack... I wonder if that influenced his crankiness..?

Ella has become quite the pro marshmallow roaster!!

Preston, Lisa and Brielle

Ryan and I
Don't mind the messed up hair and no make up!

Jack didn't ever want to wait for a smore.. he just wanted to eat the marshmallow!

Ryan and Ella

Last night!!

The last morning- breakfast.
I love that I caught Preston touching his nose!
He's started a little tic of touching his nose every few minutes
He was always SO dirty!! But that's what camping is about!

Thank you to Lisa and her parents for making this camping trip possible!!
We had SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
That's the way to go camping!! Maybe we can do it again sometime!!
Thank you, thank you!!!