OK- if you didn't already know- I have the BEST friends ever! They secretly bought tickets to see Celine Dion for while I was in Utah!

We were SO excited! I have known Lisa a loooooonnnggggg time, and that entire time I have known that she LOVES Celine! She always meant to go to her show in Vegas, but never could get tickets at the right time. Then at the last minuet she found out that she was going to be in Salt Lake for ONE night only!

The whole show was absolutely amazing! We had such a great time dancing and singing along!
Here are a couple of really short videos~
Here are a couple of really short videos~
Thank you so much for surprising me with the best girl's night EVER! I'm so so so so so so so HAPPY that I was able to go and be there with all of you! We have to do that again!
Did you go to Celine? How fun!
YES I DID! The blog was having some trouble, I've got it figured out now, but uh, it was driving me nuts!
That's awesome that you got to go see Celine while you were in Utah...and ended up with such great seats! Sounds like you guys had a great trip to Utah.
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