He's our little monkey. It seems as though he's figured out that we think he's pretty clever and is now doing things like this just to show off. I better stop laughing so hard when he does things like this! (He was a ring higher, but came down one.) I almost had it- he had his toes in the holes way at the top but right when I went to take the picture he hopped down. That turkey. I'll have to be faster next time. You can see though that he pushed it over a little. That was as tight as I could get it! I don't know how he is capable of some of the things he does. After picking up Ella and her friend Dylin from school we went out to try and find some more places for photo shoots. I thought this was a neat little path! I'm trying to get some clients, so if you or anyone you know is interested in having their photograph taken, e-mail me!
/jack is so funny! He loves to explore and figure out new things! Plus he is a dare devil! Oh there is a little girl in our primary class that Jolie thought was Ella bc of her dark hair and went CRAZY for her!!!
LOL I love that Jack is climbing on everything that is exaclty what I am going through and this being my first baby I have had to learn about baby proofing from experience and let me tell you I am definatly taking nots for the next one lol
We are your typical family living in Utah. Ryan and I have been together for 18 years. We have a daughter Ella- 16 who is so sweet and loving, a son Jack-11 - who is so active and fun, a daughter Lilly-7 our wild girl and our bonus baby Lila-6 who we love more than anything! I am a stay at home mom and enjoy crafts and photography! Ryan works in real estate and is such a wonderful husband and father! I hope that you enjoy the look into our lives and don't feel shy about leaving a comment and letting us know you stopped by!
Jack is a little monkey and a really smart one! I miss you all!
Call me!
/jack is so funny! He loves to explore and figure out new things! Plus he is a dare devil! Oh there is a little girl in our primary class that Jolie thought was Ella bc of her dark hair and went CRAZY for her!!!
LOL I love that Jack is climbing on everything that is exaclty what I am going through and this being my first baby I have had to learn about baby proofing from experience and let me tell you I am definatly taking nots for the next one lol
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