Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Mom- the finished project. Thanks for all of your help!She wanted to pose like she was blowing a kiss.

Ella and I have been really enjoying sewing these past few weeks. We made these aprons a while ago and a few nights ago she wanted to take some pictures of us wearing our creations. We even made an apron for her American Girl doll "sister" as El calls her. (Ella is wearing shorts, you just can't see them.)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What Fruit are you?

You Are a Strawberry
You are friendly, outgoing, and well liked by many people.
You are popular, but there's nothing you ordinary or average about you.

You a very interesting person, and you have many facets to your personality.
Sometimes you feel very conflicted. Your different sides of your personality pull at you.

You are a very sensual and passionate person. You are fiery... you can't help it.
In general, you keep your passionate side under wraps. You are only wild in private.
What Type of Fruit Are You?


After several failed attempts over the past couple of weeks last night Ryan and I were finally able to go and see the new batman movie- Dark Knight. It was such a good movie, we were not disappointed! Ryan can't wait to see it again. It was so nice to be alone without any kids! (Thank you Rick and Sandy -aka- Grandpa and Grandma!) Although we did miss our babies and rushed to be with them again when the movie was over. Jack's still learning what it's like to be away from Mommy. (Again thank you for watching him, I know it wasn't easy!) We are going to need to go out more often and leave him with sitters so that he can get used to it before our anniversary in November. We are planning on having our first overnight trip without any children. Something we've never done!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Gushing over Ella

While I was gushing over the pictures I had just taken of Jack Ella started to feel a little left out. So these were taken so that I might be able to gush over some shots of Ella as well. It worked, she's beautiful as always!


OK, I know that there are maybe a few too many pictures. But I can't help it, he looked so cute sleeping on his little bear chair! (Which is supposed to be for his birthday, but he already likes it so much! Gotta love Craig's list!) I think that part of my love for these is the fact that he's sleeping... and not while I'm holding him. Yes, I know, I shouldn't do that. He should sleep in a crib, but he's just so cute and cuddly. I'm doing him a disservice by always having him sleep with me. Oh well. I'm a bad Mom.


If you thought that "so you think you can dance" was over- you're wrong, just stop by our house most afternoons and we have it going live! Ella LOVES to dance! She's been really into doing the robot lately.
These were some of her cool moves!
She started a little dance class with a girl in our ward. It's SO adorable! Almost every little girl that Ella knows is in the class. They are dancing to camp rock songs. I can't wait for the big performance in the garage in October! I'll get some pictures soon.

Home work & Baby work

It's been a couple of weeks and school is still going well for our little lady. She loves her teacher and all of her new friends. (I'm so mad, I'm usually so good about pictures but I've forgotten to take any while she's playing with her new friends Daphne and Dylin! They will come soon!) Her teacher said that she's doing very well and is very smart. It's amazing how fast she's learned so much! She started having home work this past week. She goes over the alphabet and numbers up to 100 along with a few site words. She is so lucky to have such a nice Daddy- he's helped her every night! He is so patient and always tries to make it fun! He also reads to her for a half an hour before bed. She also go a fundraising packet- weird to me- home schooled- So if anyone wants some 15 dollar cookie dough, you can call me! Again, weird.
So while Ella's upstairs doing her home work, Jack was down stairs doing his baby work. Yes- destroying anything in his path! He LOVES pulling everything out of this drawer. He does it AT LEAST three times a day. Anytime I'm washing dishes.
He has figured out how to open all of the cabinets and drawers and loves pulling anything out he can find! He pulls out all of the pots and pans. Yesterday he found a large container I had filled with cookie cutters- that was an extra cool find for him! (I should have taken a picture of that- they were everywhere!) He's not causing trouble, he's doing what he's supposed to be doing- He's a curious guy who needs to explore. Plus, who could ever get mad at that face!? Me- Never!

He's learning how to climb on everything and has figured out how to get in and out of the little orange car. He looks so sweet- honking the horn at me.

Fun with the Shumways

We were so excited to have the Shumway kids come and hang out with us one evening last week! (It was their mothers birthday! She was out on a hot date.)

Dinner was so yummy-

I love how he dissected his green beans

Movie time! Jack wanted to be included. He kept follow the kids around. Especially Tag- he LOVES Tag! I think that he sees him and wanted to be a big boy like him. Thank you Gracee and Tag- you'll have to come over again soon!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I am obsessed... like everyone else

Alright. I have a confession. To start- I never read the Harry Potter books. I tried, but it just wasn't something that I was very interested in. Although I do love to read and I did watch all of the movies, but only because Ryan wanted to. Although he's never read the books either. I don't really care to be like everyone else or really get into anything like that. I think people who become obsessed with things like that are stupid. It's a book, so what. So... when the twilight series came out I felt the exact same way. Stupid. Even when my best friend's read and loved the books, (they don't like reading anything other then a people magazine.) I still resisted. But with them now making the first book into a movie I made an impulse purchase at Wal-mart check out and bought the first book. The first 200 pages I was thinking that I wanted to throw it in the garbage. But then it kind of got going... I stayed up until almost 3 in the morning reading the "stupid" book. So, to all of those who have read it and told me how good it is and that I should read it- I'm sorry, you were right. It was VERY good. Now I am going to say what everyone said to me- if you haven't read it, it's actually a fun read and you should.. go read it. If you would like, you can borrow my copy. Now I'm one of the dumb people watching the trailer online and CAN'T wait for the movie to come out. If you would like to see it go HERE! I also realised that there are more books in the series. If anyone has the second book and would let me borrow it I would greatly appreciate it. Although I'm not sure that my family would. Not much got done while I was reading. Although Ryan did find it amusing to watch my face as I read it in bed last night. Gave him a good laugh. So I'm officially one of the obsessed now. Great.. I'm one of "them".

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Riggs Family Pictures HERE

Another Week Gone By

He's our little monkey. It seems as though he's figured out that we think he's pretty clever and is now doing things like this just to show off. I better stop laughing so hard when he does things like this! (He was a ring higher, but came down one.)

I almost had it- he had his toes in the holes way at the top but right when I went to take the picture he hopped down. That turkey. I'll have to be faster next time. You can see though that he pushed it over a little. That was as tight as I could get it! I don't know how he is capable of some of the things he does.
After picking up Ella and her friend Dylin from school we went out to try and find some more places for photo shoots. I thought this was a neat little path! I'm trying to get some clients, so if you or anyone you know is interested in having their photograph taken, e-mail me!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I took some pictures of the Shumway family tonight. Check it out on my other blog!


Jack has found a new favorite place to hang out. I love his tiny little legs.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Yep, that's a black eye!

This one you can see it a little better
So if you didn't know around the Bailey house when our babies get a little out of control we like to slap them around a little! JUST KIDDING! Yesterday Jack was playing with his basket of toys while I was loading the dish washer- when I heard him start screaming bloody murder! From what I could guess he was standing holding onto one of his toys (one where the baby can lay on their back and look up and play with the toys) and he and it fell over and hit his eye. Poor little guy. He calmed down right away but I could see his eye swelling up. I tried putting some ice onto it, but he wouldn't let me. After a minuet he didn't care and wanted to go play. (As you can see- getting into more trouble!) I feel so bad and somewhat embarrassed that my 8 month old has a black eye. I think that's just the kind of kid that he is. I'm worried that this means he'll have a broken arm by the time he's two. Today it's not looking much better. I hope it goes away soon so that people don't think that I'm a baby beater!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Second Day of School

I had to take a picture of this- she told me that it's cool to wear your back pack only over one shoulder. I'm not sure where she got that. But I thought it was cute that she thought she was cool.

Waiting in line to walk through the school grounds to her classroom. She was so sad, she wanted to be the leader. She got to be second place.

Doesn't she look excited!?
Ella's classroom
Ella's class having carpet time

I know, I'm a weirdo. I have tons of pictures and video of her first day of school. Now I've done it again for the second day. (It's the third day today and she's already home- no pictures) I had planned to go with her to her classroom on the first day and take pictures of it then. But on the first day she just gave me a hug and a kiss at the front gate and said goodbye. Second day she was feeling a little scared so I walked back with her and was able to take some pictures of her classroom. (I know that this post and the next are out of order. I'm tired. It's been a long week and it's only half over.)

Bailey Family Fun

Ryan and I decided that since he had the day off we should go and have some family time. He's been so busy with work and other projects. This was Jack waiting to pick up Ella from her second day of school!
We went to Dave and Buster's! Ryan had a gift card from work. Ella thought it was Chuck E Cheese.

Ella kicked Ryan's trash

A rare picture of me. I am always behind the camera.
With all of the tickets Ella got this cool lollipop that lights up!
We ended our evening by eating dinner at Mimi's Cafe! One of our favorites!

It was so funny, while eating Jack started making some weird noises and his face got really red. Once again- mean Mom. I'm sure that someday he'll be mortified that I posted a picture of him "doing his business".

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