Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex and the City Movie

I know... I know... But I love it OK! I mean I LOVE this show. I swear I've seen every episode, twice. I've been waiting years for this movie to come out- I saw it tonight! It was perfect! I'm so happy with how it ended. I can't wait to see it again! I wont say anything more for those who haven't seen it yet. Go see it!
But it got me thinking.. as I was sitting all alone in the theater.. I miss YOU- Lisa and Tiffany so much! I miss our little group. I had no one to share my junior mints with or anyone to talk to during the movie. Two things that I love about going to the movies. We all need to be more like Samantha and rack up some frequent flier miles! It's only been a month although it feels like a year. I just want you to know that I love you both so dearly. I miss you everyday and can't wait to all be together again soon!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Ella got her new pet- Lola. I think that Ella heard me yesterday talking to the guy at the fish place-I had asked him what fish would be able to live longer then a day. Because this morning Ella came running upstairs- good news mom! She made it through the night! I forget that she's getting so old. Ryan and I are now forced to spell things out in front of her when we don't want her to know what we are talking about. She tries to do the same thing- she asks me how to spell things all day long. Even though she never remembers anything except how to spell her name.

New Camera!

Hallelujah! I have FINALLY got a new camera! It's a Nikon D 80- I am IN LOVE with it so much! You think that I posted a lot of pictures before- there are going to be so many more now!


6 Months Old

Happy Half Birthday Jack!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Water Buddy's

I was thinking that maybe I should pace myself with the swimming pictures since there are sure to be a lot over the summer, but these were just too cute! Today I took Ella for just a quick dip and she ended up making friends with these two other little girls. I think that they jumped in the pool together about a hundred times. They loved that I was taking their pictures!
I know that I've been blogging a lot. I don't have all that much going on these days. So feel free to check back here often. It might not be that exciting, but you never know, maybe we'll find a bigger turtle or maybe find some other neat mall. Whoa, my life is boring.

Trouble Maker

dumping out all of the toys buckets
He pulled himself up all by himself. He loves to take everything out from under his bassinet!

Jack has become such a stinker! He loves to explore and figure things out, even if that means taking all of the diaper wipes out the box or eating the mail. These a just a couple of snap shots over the past two days and the things that I caught him doing. He LOVES to make trouble for Ella! If she's playing with something or stacking anything, he wants to mash it up or knock it down. Honestly, I think it's the cutest thing ever, for now. Ella is learning the joy's of having a younger brother real fast. She has no idea how it's going to get much worse. Soon he will be wearing her bra's and coloring on her barbies faces with marker. I love that he's a boy and a very active one at that. I had a feeling before he was born that he was going to be the type of boy that would keep me running. Today he is SIX MONTHS OLD! I am so desperately sad. It's so fun to see him cutting his teeth (it happened this morning) and learning to sit up, but then that means that he's not my tiny baby anymore. Why does time has to go so fast. It's not fair. Half a year old, before I know it- it'll be his birthday! More pictures to come!.........

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wonder Pet

Releasing him back into the wild

This afternoon we went for a family drive- something we like to do on Sunday's and when the kids are in desperate need of naps which they were finally able to get- and we found a park close to our house. It had a huge pond right in the middle with fish and ducks. After playing for a while we were loading into the car when I came across this little turtle on the side of the road. I called Ryan, thinking that he would go put it in the pond for me. But no, the 14 year old boy in him came out and he wanted to take it home. Ella loved it! She thought that we had found Tuck from the wonder pets! (It's a show on Disney channel. I had to include a picture to see that there really is a resemblance.) She played with him for most of the evening. She just followed him around the back yard. She got some lettuce to feed him. She basically was force feeding the thing until it bit her finger. Ella thought that he must be full after that. (It didn't even leave a mark) As it got later Ryan and I decided that it might not be a good idea to keep it. We don't have a good history with pets. Plus there's the salmonella problem. So we took Tuck back to the pond and set him free. Ella of course was very upset. I think that tomorrow we are going to go and get a small gold fish. A pet that we can handle. To be continued.......
Ella loved the petting zoo- it was just goats! She pet every single one, twice.

We had such a great time at the Zoo! We hope that everyone else who came had a good time as well! We can't wait to go again!

Jack was being such a little stink and for some reason didn't ever want to sit in the stroller! We have been going on family walks almost every night and he's never had a problem, until yesterday. He finally took a nap!

Ella loved following around her cousin's!
A rare picture of Ryan and I together


Ryan and I were standing at this fence, watching the flamingos when Jack wouldn't let go! We couldn't believe how Strong he was- seriously- he WOULDN"T let go! We had to take a picture. (Of course I was RIGHT THERE in case he did let go. Although he didn't and I had to pry his hands off!)

They had the neatest monkey area! You can go in and watch the little monkey's close up. Ella loves watching them walk along the ropes right above her head!

Bailey's at the ZOO

Ready for the zoo!

Ella, Zach and Tori each got to go on a Camel ride! Ella wasn't afraid at all!

Yesterday we went to the Phoenix zoo! The weather was perfect, I think that the rain cooled everything down. I thought we better go before it gets too hot! Grandma and Grandpa, Sasha, Stacy, Andre, Melissa and the kids all came with us.
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