Ever since getting home for Denver Sarah and I have been doing a lot of facetime with our little ones. They love to talk to each other!
My Grandma and Grandpa were giving away some of their old toys and things. My kids wanted these old wigs so bad! I remember loving to wear them when I was little too.
So pretty!
Anna had a birthday! The big 1-8! She's now officially an adult.
Happy birthday little sis! Thank you for all of your babysitting ;)
Lilly liked going out for lunch too!
Someone figured out how to open the fridge at Aunt Sarah's.. great
Lila's new favorite thing- peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! She ate a whole one all by herself!
It's not just me that thinks this is funny right?!
In a couple of years Lilly will be in school and even sooner then that Lila will not be a baby anymore. I'm trying to savor the special times I have with Lilly. She loves walking around Ikea, so we stopped and got some lunch there. My sweet, tiny girl!
Jack is so much like me it's funny! He loves getting in and getting things done and making sure everything is just right.
When it comes to cleaning he's my best helper.
First time really pulling herself up at the couch! That's what happens when Daddy has ice cream!
Again, this lady loves ice cream! If she thought in any way I was going to take that cone away she started screaming! Don't mess with her when she's eating!
This is a little embarrassing to admit, but I watch the "Bachelor".
I like to think it's only social. Since I wouldn't watch it if Sami wasn't here to watch with.
Since it was the finale we invited a group to come over and watch with us.
Ryan sure doesn't mind sitting between all of these hot ladies!
He also doesn't mind watching "Bachelor" either! He would deny it if asking, but he never misses watching an episode!
Lila is a full on crawler now. No doubt about it. She's growing up.
I caught Ryan wearing my sunglasses when he was driving my car.
This picture was supposed to be for Justin's eye's only....
Nothing better then a clean baby right from the tub!
Or is there.. Two babies!
One day in the store Lilly just wanted me to take her picture...
Doesn't it look like she's wearing a wig or something? Her hair is getting so long!
Just a week after Anna's, Neinah had a birthday! The big 1-6! She's now on the market boys!
Ella's first time trying to talk with helium

Ella had a school book report this month on Helen Keller. She was so good about doing all of the research on her own and gathering her facts. She's getting so good at these that I hardly helped at all.
Again, I love how she interacts with the other students!
So proud of Ella! She's such a great student!
Now that Ryan's working closer to home, it's nice to be able to meet up with him for lunch sometimes.
The baby doesn't mind it either.
One evening I had a bunch of people at my house, Sami, Tyler, Ryan and I took the opportunity to go out TOGETHER! Usually they are the ones watching the kids so we can go out. It was so fun to go out WITH them!!
I love after I drop Ella off at school and I get those 15 minutes all to myself in the car.
It's the only time I am alone for weeks at a time. Not a bad way to start the day.
Look at this fat baby! I feel like she's gained a lot of weight lately. I'm doing my best to fatten her up, I've always wanted a chubby baby!
Oh my gosh. I am NOT into taking selfies.. but at the same time I wouldn't mind for my children to know what I looked like. So here I am. 3 freaking 1.
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