Thursday, January 30, 2014

My Two Batman's

Jack and Lilly came downstairs and told us that they were BOTH Batman.
They then proceeded to show us all of their "moves"
It was so cute, Ryan and I couldn't stop laughing!
Such sweet siblings!

The Last of January

Every time we go to the mall the kids talk me into going on the train ride or the carousel.

Sometimes when the kids are at school the babies and I go on dates to get ice cream.
That day Lilly just needed a special day, just for her.

This lady is growing up so fast. She loves scooting around and playing with her toys

No words necessary

Ella has been so busy with play practice. Sometimes the younger kids and I walk around the outlets or Cabela's. They love going there, even though they have seen the same dead deer a million times.

Lila figured out how to sit up all on her own!
I drove up to Ryan's model home in Heber to check it out and maybe go see the ice castle. 
I'm not one of those wives who is always bragging about her husband, but seeing this guy in action reminds me just how lucky I am. He works so hard and is such an amazing salesman! He doesn't get enough credit for what he does.
The ice castle line was so long, we didn't want to have the little ones out in the elements that long.
So we just got dinner at the Dairy Keen, which was crazy. There were way too many people, I was so claustrophobic!
These are the photos I find on my ipad. Nice Ella...
Brielle turned 3! She had a princess party. It was so much fun!
She's getting better and better at sitting up on her own!

6 1/2 months old!
I have the best work out buddies!
I've been trying to work out a couple of times a week, so far so good.
After our workout we drink our protein shakes!

Ella got to attend a special class at school. Mothers were invited to go as well. 
I'm glad that it didn't freak Ella out, she knew just about everything they taught anyways.
The only thing she didn't know what that Dad (Ryan) knew that's what happened to girls.
She thought it was a big girl secret. ;)
Lila is officially a crawler and can sit up!

But she's still  my little tiny newborn baby too.....

Monday, January 20, 2014

Extreme Air Sports

Lisa and Tiffany called to invite us to a fun play place.
All of the kids were a little nervous at first, but all warmed up quickly.

Ella and Maisy were FEARLESS!
They got right in and were trying all kinds of fun stunts!

Adi got hurt in the first few minutes and was so sad.. finally after a really long time she built up the courage to try again.
Avorie might be little, but she's not a wimp!

Lilly's so light, she didn't sink into the foam at all, but just floated on top!

Poor Lilly, she was too scared to ever drop..

Yep, I was talked into jumping as well. It was scary, but fun.

Thanks ladies! It was such a fun day! We'll have to go again sometime.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January Photos

Friday night = girls night! We painted our nails and did facials.
Saturdays are for laying around in bed.. with all 4 children. How blessed am I?
I was walking down the hall and heard some talking (I thought everyone was in bed!) and I walked in on this. What a nice Daddy to play Barbies with Lilly!

This baby must be growing, she is so sleepy all the time

I sure love these little ladies! They keep me busy, but I couldn't be happier!
Well... I threw away all of my anti-bacterial soap.
I had been reading quite a few things about anti-bacterial soap burns.
Sure enough... 
Lilly washed her hands last night.. by herself. 
The next morning I found her like this. A thin layer of soap on her skin that obviously she didn't wash off well enough. A couple of weeks ago Ryan was washing up and same thing, didn't rinse off well enough and had the same thing.
It was so sad to look at her. She didn't really seem to care or feel bothered by it at all.

By that night she was a lot better.
I seriously threw away all of my anti-bacterial.
Just plain old soap for us from now on.
Ryan and I have been SO BAD and having little bowls of ice cream at night after the kids go to bed.
Lila LOVES it! I think she looks forward to it as much as I do ;)

So big!! Half way to her first birthday!
Maisy got to come for the weekend.
The kids always stay up way too late, but always have so much fun.
We spent our day together shopping and getting cupcakes
This little lady has started to nurse less and less. It's sad that my days of hanging out in the mothers lounge are coming to an end :( 
I've got to soak it all in while I can
Ryan is the best primary teacher. We team teach the CTR 4 class in our ward. 
It's true, there's no such thing as a small or unimportant calling. We love helping their little testimonies grow every week!
Sunday naps are the BEST!
I turned my head for one second!
Lilly is such a good little Mommy.
She actually did a great job! Such sweet baby girls!
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