2. Lilly tried to stay up to color the big welcome banner for Grandma and Grandpa, but just couldn't
3. So sleepy
4. The ORR's move to UTAH!!
5. So happy to be able to hang out at Grandma's house!
6. Helping the Orr's move in!
1. Cousin Gabe who we met for the first time sharing Popsicle's with Lilly
2. Grandpa being a pony, Jack really did think it was fun
3. It's so fun to have Grandpa so close
4. Sarah here to help. Samuel and Francesca moved here too!
5. It's going to take a while to unpack
6. Jack was the BEST helper! He never quit, working all the way until the trucks were empty!
1. 4th of July fun, swimming at Sami and Tylers
2. Lilly just wanted to eat cupcakes
3. my final text with my baby brother. He was only gone a week and it seemed like forever!
4. Stadium of fire!
5. The Koo Koo clock, a grand-kid favorite
6. The whole Orr family out to dinner to celebrate the move to Utah!
1. Gabriel and Lilly sharing some dinner
2. Tucanos is so yummy!
3. Grandpa with silly little Judea at the toy store
4. Liam in town means silly boys eating whipping cream
5. An afternoon picnic with the family
6. Lilly still takes naps, thank goodness
1. To work on the boat you must bring your purse
2. Ryan's work paid for us to go to a Salt Lake Bee's game. Boring.
3. Picnic at the park with friends. Lilly is becoming a big help!
4. Slurpee day!
5. Jack made me lunch.. how thoughtful. I especially love the marshmallows
6. Celebrating Kim's birthday at Texas Roadhouse
1. Nothing like playing catch with your Dad. Too bad Jack got a HUGE fat lip right after this!
2. Last weekend before baby- out to the movies
3. Last day being the baby!
4. Last picture ever of me pregnant
5. Things finally started moving.. baby was doing great
6. Awesome Dr. Parker! Love that he got to be my Dr. one more time
1. Sami at home with the kids sent me this.. Lilly was in good hands!
2. Baby Bailey #4 is here!!
3. Proud papa
4,5,6. Just an hour old
Minutes old
Waiting to leave the delivery room
12 hours old

1. Finally time to go home
2. Sarah bought us dinner, all the way from Colorado
3. Jack loves Great- Grandma's wig!
4. Lilly playing at Grandma's
5. Boys doing as boys do- watching the game
6. Lilly wanted to get in on that action
Four days old1. So far likes the swing
2. Lilly always asks "I huld hur?"
Five days old
1. First photo shoot2. Went pretty well, cute baby!
3. She loves my bed, all my babies have
4. One week old
5. Silly mustaches for Uncle Jacob
6. All tuckered out
1. newborn clothes wont last long
2. Playing outside
3. So tiny in her car seat
4.8 days old
5. She's so yummy
6. Trying to make it to Pioneer day.. didn't remember I had 4 kids, so we had to squish!

1. Pioneer day band
2. 9 days old
3. My TWO sleeping babies
4. Bought Jack a new suit. He tried it on- including a pen and sunglasses. He ran downstairs and said "Richmond American Homes, this is Jack!"
5. 11 days old
6. Sisters!

So many matching outfits
2. First thing I bought when I found out I was having a girl- these jammies
3. First little smiles
4. Dessert at Thanksgiving Point- the best brownie ever!
5. Two weeks old.. holding my baby
6. Two week check up
1. Qxygen monitor
2. Sleeping baby
3. Lilly the pirate/maid
4. She looks just like daddy!
5. Lilly likes brushing her hair
6. With a barbie brush
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