Summer is over... time to start school yet again!
The kids were so excited to go and meet their new teachers!
Jack was SO excited to finally go to the same school as Ella!
I have to drive 16 minutes one way to take Ella and Jack to this school.
It costs a lot of money and this year a lot more with an extra trip to the school everyday, but it's totally worth it. Consistency! This will be Ella's 4th year at this school.
She has so many friends and knows almost all of the teachers.
I have to say it's pretty nice for me to call the school and say hi and have Chantalle in the office know who I am.
This year was something totally new for Ella- a male teacher! I have heard wonderful things about Mr. Millward! So far, everything has been great! He is a really chill, relaxed guy who loves doing science, just like Ella!

First day of 5th grade!!
Holy cow, that sounds SO old! Only two more years in elementary school.....
My pretty girl
Of course Lilly wishes she could go to school too.
We were in the grocery store when she saw this backpack and HAD to have it.
This morning when Ella was making her lunch and packing her backpack Lilly ran and got hers too.
Except all she has in her backpack is a juice box, crackers and some toys.
This was the first year that Ella wasn't so sure about having her pictures taken at school.
She was afraid it was going to hurt her "social life".
Jack had a dentist appointment that morning.
A little scheduling error I made. Good thing Ryan had time to take him before work!
(Something he's never done before!)
So that left Lilly in the car waiting alone with the sleeping baby.
Of course she was heart broken! She wanted to go to school too!!
Much happier now!
Although I had to hold her down to buckle her into her car seat right after this.
She really did want to go to school... As soon as she's potty trained, she's going to pre-school!
After school my Mom went and surprised Ella by picking her up in my Dad's little sports car. She said she really thought it would boost her popularity. Hahahahahaha!
I feel the teenage years creeping up on me........
I feel the teenage years creeping up on me........
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