For Jack today was a little scary and a lot of fun!
Ever since he was a little tiny boy, he couldn't wait to go to school with Ella.
Pre-school was fun, but it wasn't a "big kid" school.
He was dressed and ready to go before I woke up.
I can't believe that my tiny little baby boy is all grown up and off to school.
He wanted to take some silly/scary pictures.
Again, Lilly was excited and thought it must be her first day of school too... again.
Me and my guy!
A lot of the excitement went away when we got to the school and a TON of anxiety set in.
You tell how THRILLED he was to be there....
I knew it was coming.. He's my sensitive boy. I just hoped that he would end up having a great day and look forward to school in the days to come.
Still feeling anxious, but happy to see his teacher.
I stayed and watched as he walked around the tables, looking for his seat.
Soon another boy came and sat down next to him and they started talking.
Everything seemed fine then.
As I drop Jack off, Ella has her lunch recess. It's so nice to be able to check in with her in the middle of her day and see how things are going.
Lilly ran to Ella and gave her a big hug!

After I dropped Jack off at school I met up with Mom and Franny to take all of the kids to Thanksgiving point farms.
Neinah loves horses...
So does Lilly, she is not one bit afraid of them
This little guy sure was cute...
It was so fun having Jet and Leo here! I hadn't ever met Leo before. He's such a sweet boy!
Judea. He's a sweet boy too. It's so fun to think that he'll grow up so close to us!
So apparently I spent most of the afternoon taking pictures of Lilly's backpack... oh well.
Lilly thought jail was fun
This poor guy had a lot to say! He kept yelling and screaming at us!
More birds and horses.. Lilly loves animals
It was nice to only have one kid running around to watch out for. It also helped to have Anna and Neinah there to help too!
Poor Leo was so scared of those sheep!! He wouldn't get an inch closer..
In the blink of an eye... Lilly was gone...
After some fast searching.. she was at the pony ride, about to climb over the bars and hop a ride.
That little stinker!
Lila was such a trooper. She's such a good, sweet baby!
All of the kids found this cement pad the best stage ever. Lilly was really rockin out!
Finally it was Lilly's turn to ride the pony! She was in heaven and not scared one bit!
Gabriel and Anna had a turn too!
Then it was off to get some yummy ice cream!
It was a long day with lots of walking, Lilly got too tired.
We were done at Thanksgiving point just in time to race up and pick up the kids.
I couldn't wait to what Jack thought about his first day!
Jack said that he had the BEST day ever!! He loves his teacher and his classroom and can't wait to go back tomorrow!!
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