John and Tiffany had gone to this live nativity in Alpine before and invited us to go with them this year.
We had to wait in line and then wait a little longer for Ryan to get there from work. I was glad he came, seeing as it was our 10th wedding anniversary that day! I'm glad we got to do something special together and with everyone else.
It started out lightly snowing, but soon turned into rain.
Jack was less then thrilled to be sitting in the rain.
Ryan got there are we all piled into a large horse trailer. It was a very weird feeling, we couldn't see where we were going. Who knows where they were taking us!
Thanks for including us guys!
All of the big girls. ;)
By the time we got to the top of the hill the rain had really started coming down.
Lilly was a trooper. Well, from what I saw. Thank you Sami and Abby for taking care of the the entire time!
Thanks Tiff for the umbrella!
Lilly was a trooper. Well, from what I saw. Thank you Sami and Abby for taking care of the the entire time!
Thanks Tiff for the umbrella!
We checkout out some camels and other large animals outside before making it to a large barn.
The whole barn was made to look like city streets filled with animals and people selling food and services.
I think it's fun that there big "kids" always like tagging along with us. Ryan liked this little donkey.
Ella and Avorie learned how to do many different things like weighing dried vegetables and sharpening tools.
There are a lot of pictures of their backs.. oh well.
Jack loved all of it!
Lilly liked looking at the sheep and other animals.

As soon as we left the first barn and went back outside the rain was pouring so hard I seriously felt like I was standing in a shower. I haven't ever experienced rain like that before. I defiantly needed a towel!
We all ran to the next barn!
It was very sweet, as we walked in there was a hush over the crowd.
Everyone was quiet as we looked over the nativity scene.
On our way out there was some much needed hot cocoa to help warm us up.
We started making the walk back down the hill to the trailers.
This solder followed us yelling things- "Have you heard about the so called savior being born? Let us know if you find him." "Have you come to pay your taxes!?" I have to admit, it was a little intimidating. Jack was totally freaked out. The drive home he asked lots of questions about the mean solder man.
It was such a wonderful experience. It especially taught the kids a lot about the time when Christ was born and I hope strengthened their testimonies.
I can't wait to go again next year, I hope it isn't raining though!