You may want to go to the bathroom before viewing these pictures- they are pee your pants funny!
At least to me.
Letting my FREAK flag fly!
In the middle of December we had our third annual Ugly Sweater Party
In no particular order.............
In the middle of December we had our third annual Ugly Sweater Party
In no particular order.............
Heather and Luke
Jenna and Travis (and Lucy)

Sarah and Kreighton
John and Tiffany
I'm pretty sure this one looks a lot like their engagement picture!
Tyler and Sami (and Lilly)
Robin and Blake
Corey and Erin
Alissa and Seth
Lisa and Jake
Us trying to be normal- although after these photos I'm sure you will not be able to look at us as being "normal" ever again!
Then on to opening all of the while elephant gifts. Always the most fun part of the evening!
Sarah really did want that tee shirt...
Everyone fought for Alissa's back massager!
One of the gifts that got the biggest laugh was the dollar store drug test!
Ryan's gift was a VHS tape that we got at DI.
It's an educational tape about seizures.
Of course Kim was the one who opened it and saw that it was from the VUV library!
Someone hadn't returned it, but taken it to DI.
The worst thing about it is that Kim was the UVU librarian for YEARS!
I bet she took it back!
Thank you to everyone who came!
Thank you for being willing to really get into it and laugh at yourself and be goofy!
We all tired our hardest to make these pictures look the crappiest and be the tackiest couples ever.
We succeeded! With flying colors! I have the BEST friends!
I don't think I've ever laughed that hard before!
Winners of the ugliest sweaters- First place John, Second place Tiffany and Third place Ryan
Until next year.................
1 comment:
Wow! Tiffany and Ryan were for sure my favorite. Like I said before, I LOVE Tiffany's bangs!!!! That'll keep a smile on my face the rest of the day. Drowns out all my stress and worries! LOL!
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