Thursday, January 26, 2012

Christmas with the Oscarson's

With Ella out of school (yeah!) and only a couple of day's until Christmas we had to make sure to do lots of fun Christmasy things! One evening we build some gingerbread houses... with graham crackers. Maybe next year we'll make them with real gingerbread!
The kids love it! So all of the sprinkles I sweep and vacuum up for days is totally worth it.  :)
I had to put this picture in, he's smiling for me but can't take his eye's off his house! Hehehehe

Later that night we had Sami and Tyler come over to exchange some little gifts.

We love these guys so much. I don't know I managed to live without them!
They are always there to babysit, help with parties, hold my baby for me, take pictures, clean my house, fix the kids food, pick Ella up from school, always looks for good deals for us, and much more!But most of all they are our dearest friends. We love them both so much!
It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that Sami is that same little girl with the super long hair that would sit at the counter eating cereal in nothing but her underwear!
I wouldn't have ever thought that someday she would be one of my best friends!!
Love you Tyler and Sami! Thank you for all that you do for me and our family!
I love Jack's look of "I am so ready to open a present!"
First Lilly! I love hoe happy they are for her! Yeah, she's checking it out too..
The tool set Jack had been DYING for so he can be like Daddy!
Ella a bath set, very nice. She took a bath for 2 hours the next day!
Lilly wasn't so sure what was going on, looking a little traumatized.
I don't know if Sami planned it, or it was just by chance. Nice Kotex box Ry! :)
They know Ryan soooo well! Now he can play all of the old Nintendo games from his childhood.
Sami and Tyler are so generous and thoughtful!
I couldn't believe how much thought they had put into each person's gift!
I sure LOVE my apothecaries!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
All finished. Jack's looks like he's got grass with all those sprinkles!
Ella's, with gingerbread guards.
Lilly loves to stand. She's like her brother in that way. She's growing up way to fast!
We had a wonderful night! Thank you Sami and Tyler!

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